He watched anime with you:

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Credits: https://4everinsane.tumblr.com/post/159072325542/harry-styles-anime-imagine

You'd been curled up on the couch cocooned in a mountain of blankets as you watched your favorite anime for a few days now. A/N was your addiction and you weren't afraid to admit it. You loved it, it made you happy, and people just had to accept that.

Your boyfriend Harry knew to just let you have at it when you got into your crazed days of needing to watch it every second. He would sit and listen to you ranting about it during meals, even bought you merchandise for it to surprise you with sometimes.

"So," Harry started one night at dinner as the two of you sat at your dining room table. "What would you say if I watched it with you?" Your eyes widen and you look over at him. You look into his green eyes, trying to see if he was being serious or playing a joke on you but sure enough he seemed to be honestly interested in watching the show with you.

"Really?" You question him, still wanting to be sure that you were understanding correctly. You had asked him a few times if he wanted to watch it with you but he always said no, that it wasn't quite his thing so why now did he want to? "Why?" You voice. He laughs and shrugs.

"Wanna see what it's all about." He explains. "If you love it so much I should give it a shot, right?" You grin, really excited about this. You'd wanted someone to watch this for so long and who better than your love? So, after dinner the two of you curled up on the couch and you put it on, taking it back to the first episode. You allowed him to curl up under your cocoon of blankets with you, leaning close into him as it started.

"Okay, so that's C/N!" You exclaim when your favorite character appears on the screen. You had such a crush on this character, even though he was simply a made up character and not a real person. "Isn't he so handsome?!" You look over at Harry, grinning at him. He gives a small smile back and nods.

"Very handsome." He responds, laughing a little. The two of you turn back to the TV. You explain a bit of the show as it goes along, making sure that he keeps up as well as gushing about your favorite moments. You also of course continue to point out the cuteness and adorableness of C/N.

"I just love him!" You yell after a particular scene that you enjoyed. "Isn't he great?"

"Yeah, he's fantastic." You frown and look over at Harry, wondering what his tone was all about. He seemed angry, slightly.

"What's wrong with you?" You question him. He bites his lip and shrugs. You push on. "Are you not enjoying the show? We can stop watching if you'd like, ya know."

"No, no.. the show is great. I don't like.... C/N though." He mutters that last bit, knowing you were most likely not going to take him saying such a thing kindly. And you don't. You gasp, shocked by such words.

"How?!" You exclaim. "He's the best character in the world! He's charming, and sweet, and handsome!"

"Maybe you should be with him then." Harry grumbles, a deep crease forming between his brows as he gives a slight frown. And then it clicks. He was jealous of C/N. You couldn't help but give a small laugh.

"Is someone jealous?" You reach over, squeezing his cheeks a bit. He grumbles under his breath a bit and pulls away from your hand. "He's not real, Harry. It's not like you have competition."

"I have to compete for your attention though. He has quite a lot of it." He points at the screen as he is once again on the screen. "You don't react like that to me." He pouts again, his bottom lip sticking out a bit. You grin, reaching up to push his long curls from his face and back from his forehead.

"Well isn't that just a lie." You tell him. "When Dunkirk is on, I cry when I see you so don't even." You give him a look, your eyebrows raised, until he finally gives a small laugh. He shakes his head and gives a sigh.

"I just want all of your attention." He mutters, looking down. He was so adorable when he was jealous. He of course had your entire heart and had no reason to be jealous, which is why you weren't getting angry. It was just a crush with C/N, and Harry knew that. He just liked to see you gush over him this way like you did with that character.

"You're cute when you're jealous." You tell him, grinning over at him.

"Yeah well... you're cute all the time." He mutters. You laugh and shake your head. "Let's just get back to watching, yeah?" He turns back to the TV, focusing on the screen.

"I love youuuu." You sing, leaning over to press a kiss to his keep. He looks back over at you, a wide grin on that adorable face of his.

"Love you too, sweetheart." He leans in for a soft kiss. The two of you share a grin before turning back to the TV, getting back into the show. This time, you tried to keep your fangirling to yourself.

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