His Birthday:

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Harry:Harold was turning 28 today and you wanted today to be perfect which means unfortunately telling him that you're pregnant. You try to hold off until the perfect time but you can't hold off for that long and especially when your stomach so they get bigger and bigger every day and you're cravings will be well known and you're going to be sick every single day he's going to put the clothes together. But you rode your ass out of the bed and started to cook breakfast for him. You cooked his favorite Chicken and waffles with avocado toast, home fries and the special recipe that is rather used to make you didn't know what it was called but thankfully his mother said to the ingredients it's basically like a marble drink. After that you got dressed and woke up Harry but you didn't want to wake him up you wanted to do it special. You put his food on the tray and walk upstairs swiftly say wouldn't know that you were coming. You start singing happy birthday to him immediately after the door open. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you" you repeated until you got to the bed and put his food down you could see his smile lighten up when you come into the room. You put a kiss on his forehead and he starts diving into his food. "Happy Twenty Eighth" you said proudly as he pushed you on to the bed. You couldn't help smile as now your high school crush and now you're his girlfriend for 3 years and it was crazy it's like a roller coaster but at least I love him enough to go on it. "thank you honey" he patted you down and gave you a little kiss as you want on your knees as he just started to feed you and mess around with you bye throwing food everywhere on you. "And another surprise. Just keep eating and don't pay attention to me" you said to him. He shrugged his head as you ran into the bathroom excited to tell him the truth, you grabbed the pregnancy test and ran outside and give it to him. "You're Pregnant" he said and you nodded to obey. Harry jumped up and down so excited and pecked a kiss on your lips as we kept fooling around in the bedroom.

Niall:You we're going to make dinner for Nialler birthday. This was the first birthday that you and him were actually a couple and you wanted to be perfect. Nialler wasn't coming until an hour so you decided to cook for him. You were going to make his favorite Philly cheesecake pasta with garlic bread and some stuffed potatoes on the side and you were going to make this bubble tea drink that was so impossible and he just loved it when he was younger with his mother glasses mother and she was so kindly to give me the recipe. After that you decorated the house and you went to the store and bought a little special thing for tonight if you guys wanted to get busy and you know what I mean. You set the table up as you heard Miles card game parked in the front and rushed upstairs to put on a sexy outfit that's what you put away just for them. "honey I'm home" he said as he opened the door and dropped his stuff on the floor. You fixed your bra as it was lopsided and did some last minute makeup touches before you ran down there and the sexy way and saw the man of your dreams. "you look gorgeous" he said as your arms were wrapped around his waist. "lets have so dinner" you said in the sexy accent as you pull him over to the dinner table. You both sat down and digged into the food you loved how you were next to him and the way that he was coming so close to having some of me. After dinner and we washing the dishes he came close to me and get touching me kissing your neck it just like a fairy tale. "you want to get busy" Nialler said to you. "already ahead of you" you replied. He grabbed you bridal style and threw you over his shoulders and red upstairs to the bedroom. "You need to stop teasing me" he said to you I just started to laugh and kissing his neck on the way upstairs.

Louis: You are so excited today was Louie's birthday and you had everything planned. He was recording his album with One Direction and I'm just so happy that I could be with him tonight. I no the boys are going to do something for him and it's going to be really nice but after that he has to come right back home because he's going to love the surprise. You started to get dressed and worked on his dinner immediately, you needed this dare to be perfect cuz this represents how much you love him and the time you put into it to make it stay special. You started to make stew and dumplings with shepherd's pie, it's important cuz it was the first thing that we've tried when we were together and it's cute face as you tried it was unbelievable he said he would always try it again. After you finish you started to text him and there's one text it was another one because it didn't make any sense why he wasn't responding. He would always respond to your text messages. You just watching TV thinking that mysterious session was taking too long or they didn't get it right so they had to do it all over again your Superstars that's what they do. Seconds turned into hours and hours turned into more hours you don't understand what's happening he didn't return home and by the time it was 12:00 he still wasn't here so I put on my pajamas and one upstairs in the doorbell ring. I went to the doorbell when I hear will be drunk. "You're drunk" you said show him at your house with him inside the house. "Sorry I went out to some drinks with the guys and then I got lots of time and my phone died" he said to me. You rolled your eyes and one upstairs but Louis first you back. "So that's more important than sitting down and having dinner with your wife" you said pissed. "I'm sorry honey it wasn't my intention to be late. The boys just wanted to celebrate my birthday I didn't think it was a big deal" said Louis. He pulled you downstairs and he was at the table, you both it quietly until Louise said something. "i didn't mean it" you said bathroom but you just kept silent. Couple minutes later he talked again "cmone don't have me. I was just having so fun. Stop being a bitch" Louis said. The gas plus come out my mouth as I flip the chair and ran upstairs with Louis following behind "don't call me a b****!" you scream to him and slam the door in his face. You didn't care if it was his birthday you should never talk to you like that.

Liam: You woke up in the morning after you sneak out of the bedroom to make breakfast. It was Liam's birthday and you wanted to go well. You took out a pan quietly and quickly so that Liam wouldn't hear you and stop you. For some reason he doesn't like when you cook he says that he doesn't want you to hurt yourself since last time you used to still you got burnt and what was the point of making breakfast when you had a British sweetheart to help you he would also say. It was the same thing with Harry and my sister Harry would always cook for her because she doesn't want to or Harry never lets her so she just gives up and also because Harry is a very talented cook and sells Liam but you wish you could cook for him just once that might not actually happen. You started to make a full British breakfast which you have never done before but we're excited you were going to make sausages with mushrooms, tomatoes, Black bacon, fried egg, fried bread in often some pudding white or black and some tea or coffee with some buttered toast. While you started to make the sausages and mushroom you felt big strong arms around you. You rolled your eyes and kept cooking that's when Liam pulled you away from the oven and started to do it for you and that's what you were exactly worried about. "I want to do it" you sound like a baby. You kiss his cheek while she started to laugh at you. "why would you want to cook breakfast when you have a talented chef and a kind gentleman to do it for you" said Liam as he kept going even though you tried to push him away from the stove. "because it's your birthday" you complained. You were really annoyed you really want to cook breakfast for Liam just show them how much you care and now you can't even be near it oven. "I'll do it you can make dinner" he said to you. You paranoid and rolled your eyes. "will you ever let me cook dinner?" you asked. "probably not" he explained. You went into the bedroom before mocking Liam's heavy accent on the way.

Zayn: You woke up from your nap while Zane was fixing something in the backyard. It was a swing that your young daughter Lily broke with her friend while they were swinging on it. You started dinner for both you and your husband there was something special. Today was your husband's birthday and you wanted to be special and you really needed this to work out perfect after you forgetting his birthday last year. You made bangers and mash with chicken chica musha and afternoon tea and pumpkin pie on the side with the help of Lily. You and Lily went upstairs to get dressed, you put on your cutest and hottest dress but still appropriate for Lily to see and you call zayn out name when dinner was ready. "honey yes?" Zayn said as he came inside the house. "come down Daddy I need to do something" said lily as she kicked her father so she could tie the bandana on his face. Lily started to lead her father into the house with a couple of rubs as he kept falling and hitting stuff until she finally let him into the diner room. Lily took off the bandana and you both said surprise zayn was so excited that he ran over to you it started to keep kissing you as you giggled tell him to get off you. You pushed him to the kitchen table and you guys sat down to eat. "how did you know about my favorite dinner. Not even my mates no but my favorite dinner" said zayn. "well I have my ways" you sound mysterious and kept eating. After dinner Lily went upstairs and went to go get changed to her pajamas while you will washing dishes Zayn behind you admiring you. He finally got the courage to come up and wrap his arms around my waist you were so happy to see that he was smiling at the court of your eye. "this was the best dinner ever. I don't know what can top it" he said. "I think I know" you said to him. you put his hand into your pocket and dug up the pregnancy test. You turned off the stick and looked at his reaction as he found out we were having another baby. "we're having another baby" he asked me. You nodded with the smile and some tears in your eyes. Zayn picked you up and sprung you around as you tried to stop but then laughter filled the room.

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