Rose Petal:

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Just went back to school a week ago so I haven't been posting but I think I will do more credits than writing them out since I don't have time but enjoy.


It happened unexpectedly. You and Harry weren’t dating or anything. It was a friend’s with benefits relationship. Unprotected sex one time caused your beautiful daughter, Rose Anna styles. You and Harry were extremely proud to have her in your lives. She was a spitting image of her father, dark green eyes, dimples, curly hair, she even took on his accent a little. She was a ray of sunshine.

“Mommy daddy here.” You were making lunch in the kitchen when she ran in. Her curls fell in her as she stopped. “He is?” She nodded hard. “Ya.” The doorbell ringed, making her gasp. “Daddy!” She ran to the door and you followed. She hasn’t seen her daddy in 3 months from tour so you understood her excitement.

You pulled the door open revealing Harry. Rose jumped into his arms with a squeal. Harry picked up his baby, kissing her cheek. “M’ love.” He smiled down at her before looking at you. You looked beautiful, he just wanted to be with you more than anything. He snapped out of his gaze, “hi.” He smiled at you, you returned with yours. “Hi Harry.” You opened the door wider so he could walk in. Rose buried her head in Harry’s chest. Her little dimples showed as she smiled in her Daddy’s embrace.

“I’m just making lunch, do you want some?” Harry followed you to the kitchen as you asked him a question. “Yeah’, what are we havin?”

You were about to say something, but Rose beat you to it. “Mac and cheese.” She picked her head up from his chest and looked at harry. “Yeah, ya like Mac and cheese?” Rose nodded, placing her tiny hands on his face. “Ya’.” Harry smiled at her before kissing her cheek.

You watched them interact and it made your heart fill up with so much Joy. Ever since Rose was born, Harry has loved her to the moon and back. Every second with her, his dimples were on display, he loved his Petal so much.

Harry put Rose down in her chair as he sat down. You walked over with a pink plastic bowl and a white ceramic bowl for Harry. “Here you are.” You sat it down in  front of them.

“Thank y’ love.” Harry said as he picked up his spoon. You felt butterflies in your stomach as he said those words.

You walked back into the kitchen and got your bowl before returning to the table. You sat down across from Harry and next to Rose. You all ate and made small talk. It was mostly about Harry on tour and Rose talking about her trips to the library and park. You noticed every now and then, Harry would look at you out of the corner of his eyes. It didn’t go unnoticed by you.

You all finished up and decided to watch a movie. Rose decided on the little mermaid, so that’s what you were going to watch. She sat in between you and Harry and held both of your hands. 15 minutes in, Rose fell asleep on Harry’s shoulder. He took her to her bedroom while you paused the movie. You waited for him to return, while you waited you thought about your relationship with him.

You both had a friends with benefits relationship and it led to a baby. You liked Harry more than anything and you wanted to be with him, but you weren’t sure he wanted to be with you.

But little did you know he did want to be with you. As he walked down the stairs to the main floor, he thought about the same things. How he wanted to be with you. You were the most perfect person for him and he just wanted to blurt out that he loved you.


Harry walked back into the living, you looked at him smiling weakly. “She’s down.” He said after a sigh. He sat down beside you and played with his rings on his fingers. “You know, I wanted to ask y’ something.”

You looked up at Harry, “What is it?” Harry heart beated against his chest, he just needed to say it, but those words couldn’t leave his lips.

“I… um I just wanted to ask y’ if I can take you and Rose somewhere for a few days.” Harry mentally cursed himself. Why didn’t he just say those 8 letters, it’s very simple.

You swallowed your thick saliva, “sure, where are we going?” Harry lips pressed into a thin line. “how ‘bout Italy?” You smiled, “sure Italy’s nice.” Harry smiled back at you. “Alright then, we’re going to Italy.” He got up and so did you. “I should get goin’, I’ll talk to you later ok?” You nodded “yeah.” You both got lost in each other’s eyes before Harry looked away. “Okay.”

He walked to the door and you followed. He opened the door and walked out. you shut the door and groaned loudly. What the hell is up with Harry.

.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭ 。.・

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