Be my girlfriend;

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You're Harry's best friend. You guys live across the street together and do everything together. The dance is tonight and you where hoping a very special person would ask you, the new guy Jacob. You already know that Harry's going with his new crush he was telling me around. You bought the perfect dress. "Are you still going with Amanda?" You asked Harry as him as you where getting ready.

"Nope. I have a new girl in mind. She's around you're hight, really beautiful. The deepest brown eyes I have ever seen. Incredible body and mind" he said. He looked right back at you intense. You smiled at Harry and he smiled back at you. You both ended up kissing, you thought this was crazy but you never knew that truth to it. The prom was coming up and you hoped he would come to the rescue and save your sorry ass booty.

"Oh Harry" you said moaning at him as you started to nippled on your skin. You started to moan some more as he sweetened up the deal. "Will you be girlfriend?" Harry said. You nodded and put your tongue in his mouth but what turned you on the most was that he put your tongue down your throat.

Hey guys I hope your day was so good. I really love you so much no matter what. Would you want to be Harry's man? This chapter was short!

 Would you want to be Harry's man? This chapter was short!

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