True Father (final part)

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(final part)


As time went by and your pregnancy started to show, you and Harry tried to explain to your son that he was going to be a big brother but it hadn’t really seemed to sink into his little 6 year old mind at first. That was until he came back from his fathers house, who had seen the news on a magazine the day before. ‘Boy Band Hottie Harry Styles to be a father!’.

Your son came home at the end of the weekend and came right to you, sitting beside you on the couch and resting his hand on your now round stomach. You were 6 months along now. Not too much longer now!

“So there’s a baby in there?” He questions, a deep frown on his face as he holds his small hand against you. You laugh and nod, reaching over to brush his hair from his face.

“A little girl, your baby sister.” You explain. You and Harry had found out the sex of the baby a few days ago. Harry couldn’t be more excited that he was going to be having a daughter. You were just excited to be having a baby with Harry, no matter the gender. You were hoping she got his curls and green eyes.

“Dad told me that Harry wasn’t going to love me now that he had a kid of his own.” You gasp, horrified that your ex would ever say something like that to your son.

“You know that’s not true, Harry loves you just as much as he loves your sister.” And it was true. Harry had told you, as well as your son, many times that your son was still just as special to him as this baby, that nothing would make him feel like Y/S/N wasn’t also his child.

“But he’s not my daddy.” Your son says, pulling his hand away from you now to tangle his fingers in his lap as he looks down at the floor, kicking his feet a little off the edge of the couch.

“You love Harry, right?” You question, getting an instant nod. “And Harry loves you. It doesn’t matter if Harry is your actual dad or not, it’s how you feel about each other that matters. You are just as much his son, in his heart, as your sister is his daughter. He loves you both completely. We, all of us, are a family.” You explain. Your son looks up at you, his eyes still set in a small frown but he nods none the same.

“You’re always going to be my number one man.” You both turn to see that Harry had appeared in the doorway. He had been off in his studio working on a new song but he had clearly heard the two of you arrive home. You smile at your long haired boyfriend who comes and sits on the other side of your son. “Who else am I going to teach guitar to? You’re the next rockstar of the family.” Your son breaks into a grin and nods. He had been asking Harry to teach him guitar for weeks now claiming that he wanted to be up on stage like Harry and the guys.

“Is my little sister going to call you daddy?” Harry smiles and nods down at the small boy.

“Yes, she will once she is able to speak.” Harry explains. Your son nods, seeming to be lost in thought for a second before he smiles.

“I should call you daddy too then.” You watch Harry’s face light up into a large grin. You smile too, seeing both your boys grinning at each other just made you so happy.

“Yeah?” Harry asks then. “Only if you want to.” He assures him. You knew Harry really missed your son calling him daddy. Even with a baby of his own on the way, he felt a connection to your son and it had felt so right to be called that by him.

“I want to.” Your son states followed by a nod. “We don’t want to confuse the baby.” He says, making both you and Harry laugh. “Besides… I like calling you that.” He mutters the last part but you both hear him clearly.

“Don’t worry about what your father will say about it. You are old enough to make the decision and he understands that.” You tell your son who looks back at you and nods.

“I want us all to be a family.” He looks from you back to Harry who gives him a large grin and a nod. Harry reaches up with one tattooed arm, ruffling your sons hair with a large ringed hand.

“We’ve always been a family, little man.” Your son nods before folding himself against Harry’s chest. Harry looks up at you as he wraps his arms around the small boy, hugging him tight against him.

“I’m glad you’re me and my sisters daddy.” You almost don’t even hear your son, you’d been so wrapped up in just the image of your two boys having a moment but Harry hears the words clearly and looks up at you, a smile on his face and his eyes actually glazed over with happy tears. When the words sink in for you as well, you bring your hand up to your lips, your own eyes welling up in tears as well.

“Me too, buddy, me too.” Harry mutters back, kissing the top of his head. Your son pulls back, smiling up at his ‘daddy’.

“Can I go play?” He asks, turning to you. You smile and nod through your tears. Your son jumps up from the couch and heads down the hall in the direction of his bedroom. As soon as he was gone, Harry pulls you into his arms, folding you against his chest.

“Why you cryin’, love?” He asks, even though he knows the answer already as he was still even a little choked up.

“I’m just so glad you’re their father too.” You tell him, lifting your head from his tattooed chest to look into his green eyes. Harry gives you a small, kind, smile and nods. “I love you, Harry.” You feel more tears fall down your cheeks. Your pregnancy hormones were making you cry a lot lately but this was just such a happy feeling right now and you had to let it out some how.

“And I you, love.” Harry whispers before he presses his lips against yours. His lips brush across yours for a few seconds before he pulls back, his forehead pressed against yours. He reaches up with two large hands and brushes his thumbs across your wet cheeks.

As soon as you dropped off your son at his fathers house the next weekend you got a text from your ex asking why he was calling Harry ‘daddy’ again. You responded simply with ‘because that’s his name.’. You got nothing in response and when you picked your son up a few days later, your ex didn’t say anything about it even when he saw Harry sitting in the drivers seat of the car, waiting on the two of you. He just said his goodbyes to his son before heading inside.

“Have a good weekend?” You ask your son as you guys walk back to the car. He just smiles and nods.

“Daddy, can we get ice cream on the way home?” He asks Harry as soon as the two of you are back in the car.

“Sure thing, little man.” Harry agrees, smiling over at you. As he heads off, he reaches over for your hand, tangling your fingers together. You squeeze his fingers back gently, happy to have your little family back together again. It just always felt so right and complete with the three of you together. You couldn’t wait for it to soon be the four of you when your daughter joined you.

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