Period & Humping:

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Harry’s been working in his home studio all day, trying to add the finishing touches to one of the last songs needed for One Directions Made in the A.M. album. You’d been helping him do some house chores like fold laundry, wash dishes, and vacuum his massive thousand dollar rugs that lay across his living room floors. That was until your period showed up and your painful cramps set in.

The ache in your lower belly got to be so much that all you wanted to do was take a nap. Therefore, you stopped cleaning and padded your way up the stairs and to Harry’s bedroom. You crawled under his heavy duvet and cozied up to his pillows that smelt of his fruity shampoo. Then drifted off to sleep, hoping your cramps would be gone when you awake.


About an hour into your evening nap, Harry comes out of his studio located in his homes basement and goes searching for you. He thinks you may have left to go back to your apartment but then he see’s your car still in his driveway. The last place he thinks to look for you in is in his bedroom and that’s exactly where he finds you.

As Harry leans on his door frame, he smiles at the cute sight in front of him. You cuddled up to his pillows, under his blankets, in his bed. He walks over to the bed and carefully slides into the duvet, trying not to disturb you. Harry is unaware of your reasoning for taking a nap at five in the afternoon but doesn’t mind at all.


In your sleep, you can feel someone staring at you so you slowly open your eyes to find Harry laying on his side, looking at your face. “Hi.” you whisper in a croaky voice.

“Hi, love. Tired? You don’t normally take naps this late in the day.” Harry questions sweetly.

“I um, kinda started my period and I’m having some cramps. Thought I’d lay down for a bit. Sorry.” you coo shyly.

Harry scoots closer to you, bring you into his warm chest, and mutters, “Why'r yah sorry, baby? I don’t care that you took a nap. I quite like knowing you’re safe in my bed, no matter the reason. And I’m sorry you have cramps. Just not sorry you have your period because that would be an issue.”

You giggle and reply, “Yeah, that would be an issue wouldn’t it. Don’t need a baby right now. Especially with how busy your career is at the moment.”

“But don’t think that’s me saying I don’t want a baby with you. Because I very much do. Just maybe in a year or two.” Harry informs while rubbing over your back in soothing circles. You lay together in silence for a minute before Harry’s speaking again. “Can I get you anything? Maybe your favorite chocolates or snacks? A heating pad for your tummy?”

“Um,” you think, “maybe some chocolate ice cream and yes, a heating pad sounds great. Then can we put on a movie to watch in bed together?”

Kissing your forehead, Harry answers, “Of course. Anything for my love.”


Harry drove to the local store and bought some chocolate ice cream for you. Along with a small teddy bear and some extra pads and tampons, just in case you were running low. When he gets back to his London home, Harry finds the bed empty. So he assumes you must be in the bathroom. Which you were, changing out tampons so you didn’t have to get up mid-movie and do that.

You walk out the bathroom connected inside his bedroom and see the tub of dairy-free chocolate ice cream siting on the side of the bed with a heating pad plugged in and warming up. And a cute little stuffed teddy sat on your pillows. Then Harry at his wall mounted tv, finding a film to watch.

Wanted to thank him, you sneakily walk up behind Harry and wrap your arms around his midsection, face pressed to his shirt covered back. “Thank you, babe. You’re too kind to me.”

Harry turns around and replies, hugging you back, “I’d do anything for the ones I love most and I happen to love you a lot.”

You make your way back over to the comfy bed and prop the pillows on the headboard to view the movie better. Then you lay the warmed heating pad across your tummy to help with your period cramps. Harry grabs the tub of ice cream and takes the lid off, placing two spoons into the top of it, for sharing conveniences.

The movie starts up and you soon realize he choose The Notebook, his all time favorite movie. You each take your spoons and scoop into the ice cream, eating the cold dessert. “Are yah comfortable? The heating pad helping any?” Harry asks as he swallows some ice cream.

“Yes, very much. Thank you again for getting it out and thank you for this ice cream. It’s so good.” you respond.

Minutes later, you’ve both finished the dairy free chocolate ice cream and now are cuddled together as you continue The Notebook ahead. The heating pad has been removed from your belly as your cramps lessened.

You start to get this tingling sensation in your panties. One that you only recognize as being horny. Shit, you’re horny but on your period. Stupid hormones. Well, you could make-out you think. That couldn’t hurt anything, right? So you raise your head off Harry’s shoulder and begin kissing over his cheek and jawline.

“Love, what'r yah doing to me? Trying to turn me on?” Harry asks with a soft smile. He knows that you wouldn’t want to have sex on your period, though he’d totally have period sex with you if you’d let him, so he doesn’t want you to create a problem that you can’t fix.

“Just….. wanna make-out with my sweet boyfriend. Please?” you whisper near his mouth.

Harry can never say no to you and replies, “Alright, come straddle me then.” You maneuver until you’re straddling his sweat pants covered thighs, trying to avoid sitting on his crotch all the way. You then lean in and capture his lips with yours, movie long forgotten about still playing in the background.

As you’re heavily making out, tongues caressing each others and your hands in his loose messy bun, your pussy begins to throb painfully and Harry can feel you squirming in his lap. Without breaking the kiss, he helps you situate yourself under just one of his thighs and you pull back from the kiss when you realize what he’s implying.

“Babe, but I’m on my period.” you frown, loving the idea of riding his thigh but nervous to do it while you’re bleeding.

Giving you a reassuring kiss on the corner of your mouth, Harry questions gently, “Do you have a tampon in? Because if you do, then it’s fine. You won’t leak out if you just changed it and this is your first day. You’re never too heavy on the first day. Besides if you were to leak, I wouldn’t even care. It’s the least I can do to make you feel good.”

Hesitantly, you nod and agree with, “Okay. But when I’m done, I wanna give you a blowjob. And don’t say I don’t have to because I know that already. I want to.”

With that being said, you go back to making out and start grinding your pussy down onto Harry’s left thigh. It felt a bit weird at first because of the moving tampon string but other than that, it felt so very good on your clit. Especially since you were wearing thin yoga pants.

Harry helps you move back and forth over his thigh with his hands on your hips and even raises his leg up a bit to give you added pressure. This goes on for about three minutes until you couldn’t take it anymore and come all over his thigh. Your clit pulsated and your breath came out shaky. That meant the kiss was stopped and your head was laid on his shoulder, eyes closed.

When your orgasm leaves, you stop your hips from humping his leg and collect yourself before sliding down the bed and getting between Harry’s legs. He lifts his bottom up and pulls his pants and boxers over it, allowing you to pull them down the rest of the way. His large, hard cock springs up and it makes your mouth water at the sight.

You give Harry one good, sloppy blowjob that left him a sweaty mess by the time you finished. Now you would have suggested a bath or even a shower together but because you’re on your period, you asked if you could just take a solo bath and Harry was more than happy to allow you to do that.

When your bath was done and you’d taken care of everything related to your period, you crawl back into bed with Harry where you go to sleep for the night. All snuggled up to your warm boyfriend as he occasionally rubbed your tummy to help with any cramps you got through-out the night.

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