he feels about the baby:

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This baby is so cute! You really can't believe this! It's been a week since you brought your issac home and Harry loves him so much! He held the baby, kissed it, and just wanted to stay with it all day. You thought it was really sweet. And Issac even looked like Harry more than you. The eyes, the nose, the cute smile we see ever time you and Harry are together with him. But he does look like you with his part, it just really made us so nice. Harry always tweets about him and always shows the boys how much he loved his baby boy.

"you're so adorable together" you told harry as you couldn't help but watch his movements with our child.

"i know, he's really adorable just like his mother" he said and kissed you on the side of your head.

"and he's having the best hair day today just like his father" you commented kissing his lips as he put issac between you both.

"you shouldn't have" he said.

"but I did. I know he like your hair the most" you said.

"but I like my woman more especially you're beautiful face and you're incredibly body" he said and that couldn't make you smile at him more.

"you're so romantic" you said to Harry in between kisses before he stands up with the baby in his hands.

"where are you going?" you said.

"i'm gonna to put her to bed so that we have more time for each other. You get the wine and after I put her to sleep I will come meet you in the bed. You could wear that sexy lingerie and put on a little fashion show in the master bedroom" said harry.

"Mhm" you said.

"don't talk like that if you have to go" you said as you slide your finger down his mouth and chest.

"stop being horny and do what I say!" Harry screamed at me.

"ok, jesus christ. You don't have to be so rude about it" you said sarcastic. He rolled his eyes and headed upstairs. Sometimes you think your the pants in this marrage.

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