Death Song: Part 5

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"I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."

Siren Sakura & Pirate Sasuke AU snippet. (Part 4 was told in Sasuke's POV. Part 5 will be told in Sakura's POV.)


After hearing of Angelica's sudden capture, the pink-haired matriarch gathered her remaining clan members to try and formulate a winning strategy, as an attempt of granting her safe return. It wasn't easy, but once the group had agreed on one, they struck out to fulfill it.

On a whim, Sakura had secretly called on the help of their past brethren, the few survivors from their past clan, but of course she heard no response. Assuming they had moved on or just simply wished to have nothing more to do with a "traitor like her", she didn't attempt to contact them again.

It had bothered her that Angelica had been so easily taken from so close to their homeland, but she assumed it was a mere coincidence and nothing more. But in the back of her mind, lingered doubt... a little voice telling her to watch her back because coincidences were oftentimes rare...and so, the pinkette pushed onward. Ready to fight for her matter what the cost might be.

She had anticipated a small battle.

She had anticipated possible injuries.

She had even anticipated some loss.

But what Sakura hadn't taken into consideration until now (which she came to regret) was the full-blow magnitude of the pirate's attack on them... nor the rage of their scorned captain. He pinned her beneath him, his weight heavy and his skin warm, but his face held no semblance of common sense or even sanity; especially his eyes. The look in them was startling and sent an unpleasant shiver of dread down her spine. With his blade pressed gently against her neck, (more tender than she would have expected) and the kiss of pain on its tip, the man used his weight against her and whispered (almost tauntingly) into her ear, "You are mine, little siren." A hiss was on the tip of her tongue when—


Her head jerked towards the sounds of distress and shock fueled her system when she saw another pirate assuming the same position as the captain had above Sakura's most trusted comrade; the sharp tip of his own blade just a mere centimeter away from penetrating her best friend's heart. A rage the pinkette had never felt before began to build from deep within her... and with a guttural battle cry and using a strength she never even knew she possessed before...she bucked her hips up so roughly that the man above her was jostled just enough for her to toss him off of her.


Somehow, she managed to reach the pair in record speed, wrapping her arms around the back of the pirate's neck. A startled grunt left his lips as he jerked upwards, trying in a desperate attempt to knock the pinkette from his back, but her hold was firm and she refused to let go; even when he sliced his blade across her hands. She hissed and glanced down to see Hinata staring up at her with wide eyes. "Run, Hinata! Go!!!" The dark-haired siren seemed hesitant... but finally relented, before leaping over the side of the ship.

Sakura's eyes then roamed the deck for any survivors, but after sadly finding none (including poor, innocent Angelica) she used her entire weight to pull back on the man's neck. The blonde-haired staggered with the accompanied weight on his shoulders; she then felt her backside bump against the railing behind them. With gritted teeth, she jerked once more, before dragging the flailing sailor overboard. A loud splash was heard aboard before an immeasurable amount of silence rang out on the afternoon breeze. Then—

"Fuck... fuck... FUCK!!!"


Sakura released her grip on the sailor and swam away as fast as she possibly could, following the trail of bubbles left behind by her best friend.

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