Mother's Day

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A quiet morning on the road to Konoha.

A sasusaku short, blank-period inspired (but NOT following the timeline necessarily) snippet. Not sure where I was going with this, but Happy late Mother's Day y'all!


Sakura stretched, her body aching from sleeping on the forest floor but a soft smile graced her lips when she felt an arm drape over her midriff; a warm body pulling her close. "Good morning, Anata."

Sasuke hummed, nuzzling the tip of his nose along the length of her neck before settling his lips against it. She giggled softly, the sound floating on the chirp and chatter from the morning birds surrounding their makeshift camp. She felt almost giddy suddenly, the prospect of returning home in just a few short hours was an unexpected but pleasant surprise.

Though she'd had a wonderful time on this journey with Sasuke, she was truly ready to return and was taken by surprise when her husband had been the one to suggest their departure from Kiri earlier than expected in order to reach Konoha within two days time.

A soft mew to her left pulled her attention elsewhere and Sasuke immediately released her as she sat up into an upright position; reaching towards the small, makeshift bassinet that was lying directly to her left. A slow to wake, squirmy baby wriggled against the blankets constructing her movements; a small frown causing her bottom lip to quiver. Her face scrunched up with impatience and Sakura smiled down at her firstborn, while trying to gently untangle her from her covers.

"I know, I know. Shh. Don't cry. It's okay, Sarada."

A small hiccup escaped before the babe was taken into her mother's embrace; wrapped up protectively against her chest. She instantly soothed, nuzzling her body against the warmth of her mother's bosom before opening her mouth with a huge yawn. Once she was settled, Sakura felt Sasuke at her back, his lone hand reaching around to brush a small blade of grass that must have fallen and gotten stuck on top of the infant's head at some point during the night. His fingers lingered as he wrapped himself around his wife's backside, resting his chin against her right shoulder; cocooning his little familyâ€" as if he could somehow shield them from the world; keeping them all to himself.

Sasuke knew the implications of what would come once they arrived back in Konoha. He'd no longer have them all to himself and a small part of him was vexed by this… wanting to have them alone like this for just a little longer. Wanting to bask in the life that both he and his wife had created. But he knew how home sick Sakura was even if she wouldn't admit to it. He knew how much their friends missed them.

He reciprocated those feelings a little as well, but if he was being completely honest, the old side of him loathed returning. The stares, the whispers… it was all too much and Sasuke wasn't exactly sure if he'd be able to cope. But with Sakura, and Sarada now, because of them, he knew he stood a chance at being welcomed back with slightly less hostility than he might have previously expected.

His eyes followed as his wife's fingers traced their daughter's cheek, before settling on her tiny hand. His mouth lifted into a soft smile and his body soon relaxed against her frame. He silently counted down the days in his head before letting out a deep sigh of contentment. He squeezed his wife and leaned to kiss her on the cheek, whispering against her skin a soft, "Happy Mother's Day, Sakura."

Sakura blushed lightly and leaned back; relishing in this brief calm with her growing family. "Thank you, Anata."

My Snippets: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now