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NORWAGAN, also known as the temple of Space

The cold breeze blew by as a short figure appeared behind the snowy hills. Misty breaths escaped his cracked blue lips as he struggled through the snow. His little boots left trails along the snow as he shivered.

The large cave entrance could now be seen before him as he walked inside the dark cave.
Silence reigned as he began to walk down the passage, his footsteps echoing through the cave.

" Lord Zusara," he called out, removing the hood of his brown and wooly coat. Pale blonde hairs covered his face as he continued to walk down the passage.

" Silence, could there be anything more precious?" the loud voice suddenly spoke, sending shivers down the young boy's spine.

He stopped walking and looked up at the frozen face of the skeletal beast with ram horns and four eye sockets. Only two third of its face was visible, unfrozen from the ice.

" My apologies, my Lord." The boy spoke with such respect. " Forgive me for awakening you."

" Where is Noiski?" Zusara, the beast asked. " Why have you came instead of him?"

" He is not with us anymore. He has passed on to the land of the free."

" I thought as much. I felt him slipping from this world."

" My name is Hunter, my Lord. I am Noiski's only grandson. The village has sent me to deliver the news of his death to you. They have also entrusted me to tell you of what has become, outside of Norwagan. The world is burning in the name of a new God." The boy spoke.

" Hunter..." Zusara spoke slowly.

" More than half of the village has left Norwagan. Everyone is eager to join this New God. The remaining are threatening to leave if you do not bless one of them with your power. A God stuck in ice cannot protect them from the New God's army, they say."

" Bless them? How can you bless what is not worthy. Tell me Hunter, do you know the reason why Upper Beings descended from their realm?"

", my Lord."

" To restore order and exert revenge on all of humanity as a whole. The world is not burning, this is judgement to all your kind. You are being punished for failing to rule over the flying and crawling animals of this world." Zusara spoke.

" Are you saying that we deserve to die?!" Hunter asked in disbelief.

" More than five hundred years ago, before we descended from our realm, men had built a long tower, taller than the clouds. Their aim was to come to us. Men had planned to invade our realm before we did theirs. They were challenging us." Zusara explained, images forming inside Hunter's head.

He saw men climbing up the tall tower, while woman and children cheered hungrily from below.
" Today, we invade the Upper Beings' realm, slaughter them and take their powers for our children!" the men cheered.

Suddenly, a gigantic claw appeared from the skies and crushed the top of the tower, sending the men to their deaths. Roars followed as the muscular-skeletal beast with ram horns crashed on the world, followed by more of the Upper Beings.

" They, built from our very breathes wanted to destroy us. Even when we decided to spare them, they went behind our backs to create their own..." Zusara's voice broke in, pulling Hunter from the gruesome past.

" The New God?" Hunter asked.

" He is just like them, devouring and stealing power from the immortal. The New God is here to do their will, steal Upper Beings' powers for the children of men."

" Our is horrible and disgusting!" cried Hunter. " We do not deserve a second chance my Lord, please...let me kill the New God and end humanity's hope!"

" Who do you stand with Hunter?"

" I stand with the Upper Beings my Lord. I stand against the salvation of men." Concluded Hunter.

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