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Smoke filled the air as Arina and Nijahoeba rode through the ruined remains of a little town. The sky was already dark and the full moon covered the sky.

" The world is really burning." Arina spoke.

" The end is near Arina." Nijahoeba answered. " We will perish if I do not act."

" Doesn't it drive you insane? All the screams of men calling your name in their deaths." She asked.

There was no response from Nijahoeba.

" Nijahoeba..."

" Sulton, he is your father, how?" he finally spoke.

" I don't know." She said flatly. " Does it matter if I am Arina Burdett or Sulton?"

" He cares for you dearly." Nijahoeba spoke.

" If he does, why isn't he here with us?" She asked.

Nijahoeba stopped his horse and also stopped Arina's.

" What is it?" she whispered, following Nijahoeba's stare.

Lit lamps moving in a row could be seen before them, along with horses and figures.

" Refugees." Nijahoeba spoke.

" Where are they from?"

" Let us find out, come!" Nijahoeba said before riding towards the foreigners. Arina followed behind, withdrawing her flintlock pistol.

" Bandits!" cried one child as soon as Nijahoeba and Arina appeared before the refugees. Everyone gasped, the older withdrawing arrows.

" We are not bandits!" yelled Nijahoeba, raising his hands in the air. Suspense filled the air as anyone dared to move.

" What are you then? Why do you travel on your own?" one old man asked finally.

" We are heading for Tampah, to deliver some goods." Arina quickly said, hiding her pistol.

" Tampah? The Ring of Gladiators?!"

" Where are you from?" Nijahoeba asked them.

" We are from the North. We have fled our village in the hopes of finding the New God. We heard that he was seen in Iloro,  a small town near the giant forest where Nué dwelled." The old man explained.

Nijahoeba went tense suddenly.

" He is the only one we praise! He is our hope against the Upper Beings!" another woman added.

" Do you want to come with us? So that you can be free?" another man asked.

" No, we have to go to Tampah." Arina quickly spoke.

" We have fled from our God as well, you can abandon yours and head for Iloro."

" Or at least join us until we part ways. Traveling alone is dangerous." The old man said, " On the way, see if our knowledge of the New God won't let you repent."

" I don't..." Arina spoke but Nijahoeba interrupted her and said,

" Very well, we will travel with you until we part ways, in the meantime entertain us with your knowledge of the New God. Right my love?" before looking at Arina.

Arina slowly nodded, forcing a smile. " Yes,"

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