#1 He Says He Doesn't Love You Anymore

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Louis: How was this happening? How could his feelings just suddenly change? "I don't understand." Louis still cared about you, even if the love he once felt had faded over time. So seeing your hurting, over his words, was never what he wanted. "I'm so sorry [Y/N]. It's just... I don't feel the same anymore. I tried to ignore it for a while, thinking it was just worries or something. But I don't. I don't want to drag you along. I don't love you anymore. I'm sorry." Tears poured down your face. You would never understand this. How could he suddenly not love you? How do such strong feelings just suddenly change? "What did I do?" "Nothing," he replied softly, wishing his feelings had not changed, "I'm sorry. Nothing changed in our relationship. I just don't feel the same anymore. You are still the same person I fell in love with, and I can't explain why I fell out of love. I'm sorry."

Harry: Distance drove you apart. He was always one place, and you were another. You saw it coming long before Harry told you of his feelings. He was away so often, and your phone calls grew more and more seldom over time, it was obvious that you were growing apart. You still held strong feelings for him, but felt no shock when he opened his mouth. "I don't love you anymore." It should have stung far worse than it did. Instead you held it together, and nodded, "I know." Harry cringed at hearing that. He didn't mean to become so distant. The miles between you he couldn't help, but he could have called more. He could have tried more, but he didn't. "I did care about you. A lot. I really did. It just slowly changed, and I know I handled it wrong." You could have been angry, but that anger had left a long time ago. You'd accepted it already. There was nothing else to do. "It's okay. I'm glad we had what we did, even if it didn't last forever."

Niall: "I don't know how to say it better than that. Either way I say it, it'll hurt. I don't love you. I did, I really did, and you know that. I was honest every time I told you those words. My feelings have changed a lot over the past few months though, and I just don't feel that way anymore." You never saw this coming. A pain you could never describe hit you. How could Niall say these things to you? You loved him so much. Tears were in your eyes instantly. "[Y/N], I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt you. I just want you to know the truth. I did love you. I did. Things have just changed." "Is it someone else?" you asked, thinking that was the only reason this could happen so suddenly. How else could this make any sense? You'd seen no signs. Niall shook his head though, "No, there's no one else. I just don't have the same feelings I did before. I'm really, really sorry. I wish I knew what else to say. My feelings just changed. It's that simple, but that's hard to make sense of, I know."

Liam: The feelings were once so strong between the two of you. If anyone would have asked you about your relationship, for many years you would have said you were sure those strong feelings would never go away, and he was the one for you. Those feelings did change though, and Liam wasn't the one. "I don't know if saying I don't love you anymore is the right words. I think I'll always love you. I don't love you in that way though. Not anymore." There was no true reason for this. Nothing leading up to this to tell everyone exactly what happened. It just did. Time just slowly changed you into two people who no longer belonged together. "How could things change so much, without really changing at all?" you asked, while holding back tears. You knew this was right, but that did not mean it did not hurt. "I don't know," Liam admitted, "Somethings things just change."

Zayn: Anger was the top emotion you felt, when Zayn admitted to you that he no longer loved you. You'd been together for many years, and you had seen no indication that this was coming, so of course you felt so angry at him for hurting you like this. "How can you just say that?! After everything?! How can you just not love me anymore?! It doesn't just go away!" Zayn waited a moment, to be sure you were done yelling, before replying, "I am sorry. I really am. I know it doesn't make sense. I just know how I feel. I don't love you anymore. I can't explain it any better than that. I don't feel that way when I look at you, and I don't want to pretend." Your anger was quickly turning in complete pain, as you realized this relationship you valued so much, was over. "But you're saying you did love me? That our years together weren't all fake? How can you say that?" "I did love you," Zayn sighed, "It just changed.

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