#136 You are an archeologist going somewhere dangerous

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Zayn: "You don't have to go," Zayn reminded you, as he saw the panic in your eyes as you googled where you were about to leave for. "Of course I do," you quickly answered. You had no intentions of backing out of this job. "It's my first major research job. This is all I have ever wanted. I've worked so hard to get here. I can't just say 'Oh no thanks, I change my mind.'" "I just don't want you in danger," Zayn explained, "Or scared, which I know you are." You were quick to nod your head, "I am scared, you're right. But it's like your fear of performing. You just have to get over it to do what you love. I won't let this fear hold me back from my dream."

Liam: "Well that's everything," you said, while zipping a suitcase. Your bags were all packed for a long trip away from home. You had a large research job to go on, and it would be so long before you'd be back again. "Are you sure?" Liam questioned, not wanting you to be done. He knew that meant you'd be leaving now, going somewhere that he was scared for you to go. You nodded, "Yep." Liam glanced around the room, hoping to find something you were forgetting, but there was not one thing, "Okay... Please be careful [Y/N]." You loved his concern, "I will be Liam. I promise, I'll be home, safe and sound, before you know it."

Harry: "What are you doing Harry?" You asked, when you stepped into your bedroom, to see a third suitcase out next to the two you'd already packed for your work trip that you were so scared to go on. He stopped what he was doing, and quickly turned to face you, "Remember when you said I could go with you if I wasn't busy? Well I just found out we have the next month off, so I want to go with you. If I'm not in the way at least." You had been so scared to go alone for this job, that his offer was the best thing you'd heard in weeks. "I would love for you to come with me! You won't be in the way at all, I promise!"

Niall: "It's only for a week," you tried to explain to Niall calmly, when he freaked out over where you were going to for work. "Even just a week is bad [Y/N]. I know it's dangerous there." He was so nervous about you going away for your job, though he was normally so supportive of what you do. "Of course it is, but I have to do this. I'll be fine. I promise." Niall hated the thought of you being in any sort of danger, "I'll just worry about you so much." A smile spread over your face, "Well, I'm glad you care. I'd worry if it were you too. But I promise, I'll be fine."

Louis: "I'm really going to miss you so much," You said sadly. Saying goodbye to Louis was so hard for you. It was something you had to do though; you were each going your own way for the next two months. Hee was going to be touring the world, and you were going on a dangerous research job. "I'm going to miss you too [Y/N]," he replied, as he hugged you tightly, "Please be careful." "You too," you responded, trying not to think of how dangerous where you would be spending the next 8 weeks could be. Thinking it was the same amount of danger as his tour made you feel safer. "And call me everyday. Promise?" "Morning and night."

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