#56 Where Do Broken Hearts Go

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Niall: Ten long, long months after breaking your heart into a million tiny pieces, Niall was standing in your doorway, trying to find the right words to tell you what he had worked so hard to find the courage to say. "I messed up." "Yeah, you did," you snapped at him, your arms crossed defensively across your chest. "I let you go, and I messed up. I see now how dumb I was." "Took you long enough," you retorted, anger pouring out of you with every word. "I know, and I'm sorry. I've made a lot of mistakes, but there's only one standing out from the list. All of the rest of my crimes don't come close to the look on your face when I let you go. I'm admitting that now, and I know it's late." You rolled your eyes, his words causing you so much pain. How could he break you, and then show back up and just expect things to be okay? "You left me Niall." "I know." "And I can't let you in again, just so you can break my heart for a second time."

Zayn: Breaking up with Zayn, you were crushed. It was no ones fault; Neither side was to blame when your relationship suddenly shattering to pieces, it all just happened. To deal with the pain of a breakup you never wanted, you found yourself dating a lot. You just wanted to forget Zayn, but you were in no mood to be with anyone else seriously. Zayn heard about this, and when he called you up one night, it was the first thing he brought up, "Are you sleeping, baby, by yourself? Or are you giving it to someone else?" "Are you really asking me that?" you snapped at him, as you looked at your empty bed. "You know [Y/N], we could have tried harder." "We didn't!" you snapped, wishing you were with someone else tonight, enjoying your time. You wanted to be anywhere except on the phone with your ex, wishing he was there beside you. "We didn't, but we could have. We just gave up on us." You felt yourself tearing up, "It would be easier to accept this if I could hate you." "I know," Zayn agreed, feeling the same way, "But maybe we shouldn't accept it."

Harry: "I love you [Y/N]," Harry told you for the millionth time since your break up. He had been trying to win back your heart that he'd shattered since the moment he'd done so. You were guarded now though. He'd broken your heart completely, and you were so scared to let him in, and then it would happen again. "You never said that when you were walking away from me," you said sadly, that moment still so clear in your memories. "I'm sorry, I know love was something you've never heard enough. I should have told you more. But I want to find your heart again, and make it up to you. Tell me what to do. How can I make this right? Where do broken hearts go?" "They hide," you responded, as a tear ran down your cheek, "Because getting hurt like this again is just too hard to think about. I don't want to feel this pain all over again, if I let you in." Harry understood completely what you were saying, and knew you were right, but he also knew he would never hurt you again. "I promise, I love you so much [Y/N], and I will never break your heart again. Give me a chance to show you that."

Louis: When Louis ruined what you had together, and your relationship was destroyed, it took him only a day to realize his mistake. He quickly tried everything to win you back, but it was not that easy. You were hurt, and could not just let him back in. Your heart was shattered, and you could not love him with it. Finally though, after a long, long time, Louis saw you smiling again, he saw you laughing at his jokes, and saw the look in your eyes that told him just maybe you were okay. Maybe now, you could love him again. "It took me some time, but I figured out how to fix a heart that I let down," Louis began slowly, already knowing he had used the wrong words, but he wasn't going to stop now. Even when you made a confused face, he did not stop speaking. "I can see that your heart isn't a million pieces anymore, and I just... tell me will you ever love me again? Do I even have a shot." You stared at the man you had loved for so long, and thought about his question. You no longer felt like you could never love again. Your heart was placed back together in some way. However, you still did not know if you could give it back to him. It was still fragile. "I don't know Louis. I can't say no, but I can't say yes either."

Liam: You had a boyfriend, and Liam had a girl who he was seeing. So why then, did he find it so hard to look away from you, as you stepped into the room? "You are beautiful," he whispered to you, as if you were not the only people in the room, and someone else could hear him. "Thank you," you blushed, your feelings as well, stronger for him than was right in this situation. "I shouldn't admit this," Liam began, and he saw a look of panic in your eyes. You knew where this was heading, his feelings were no secret to you. "I don't know how to word this without it sounding wrong, because I know you're taken, but the taste of your lips on my the tip of my tongue is at the top of the list of the things I want." Your blush turned redder than ever before, and you were unable to say anything at all. "My mind is running in circles of you and me, and anyone in between is the enemy. I know you're with him, but..." You were so nervous, as you grabbed his hand, and tried to speak, "I-I don't know... This is so... We have to end everything else, before we have this conversation." "I'm not wish her. I know you think that, but I'm not," Liam quickly said, "It was nothing serious, just a fling. All I want is to be with you."

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