#32 Half a Heart

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Liam: Breaking up with Liam was the most difficult thing you ever had to do. It was incredibly painful, but you both thought it was right. You had been fighting, and a break up seemed so right then, but now you weren't so sure. You missed him. You missed everything. So you slept with his sweater, the one he'd left behind on the day he'd left you. It was all you could do, because you knew you couldn't call and tell him how you felt. He had ended things, not you. Your friends told him all about your feelings, but you had not been told that he felt the same way. So when you ran into him, months later, it was a shock to you, to hear his words. "I know you can't stop missing me, and I bet my friends have told you the same about me." "What? No," you shook your head, wanting him to speak more so desperately. "Yeah, I'm not doing much better, 'cause I'm missing half of me."

Harry: Tears rolled down your cheeks, as you listened to the voicemail Harry had left on your phone, when you refused to answer his many calls. Only a month ago he had walked away from all you had, and this voicemail was all you had wanted to hear for 30 days now. "I don't know how to explain my feelings, but I'm going to try. Being here without you is like I'm waking up to only half a blue sky everyday. I just... I'm just kind of there, but not quite. I'm just half a man at best, with half an arrow in my chest. I miss everything we do. [Y/N], I'm half a heart without you. I'm so sorry. Please, call me. I love you. I always have." You listened to the message over and over again, unable to believe the words you were hearing. "I love you too," you sobbed, after finally calling him back, "I miss you so much. I feel like half a heart too, because you have the other half."

Louis: "We said we were over. We said we hated each other. We said..." You were crying, as you explained all the reasons you and Louis were no longer a couple, after a horrible night that had torn you apart. Louis did not need to hear all of this though, of course he had been there and remembered it all too well. He remembered each horrible word that had been yelled, but did not want to focus on those now. "Forget all we said that night," he began, and you quickly cut him off. "We can't, we can't just ignore it. That stuff matters. We said it all for a reason." "No, it doesn't even matter," Louis responded, "Cause we both got split in two. That night we were angry, and we did say things, but no matter what, I know we both love each other, and those words can't change that." You wanted to be stubborn, and argue more right there, but his words sunk in quickly, "I know you're right. I know that even if we argue, it's worth it if we're together, and we feel whole." Louis nodded, "Better than feeling torn in half over stupid words we don't really mean."

Zayn: You were on your way out, going to meet a few friends for dinner, when your phone rang. You almost didn't answer it, assuming whoever it was could just call your cell, or they didn't really need to talk to you. Something told you to stop though, and answer the call. So on the third ring, you picked it up, "Hello?" "Hey [Y/N]." Your heart skipped a beat, as you heard a voice you had not heard in months. "Zayn." Four months ago you'd broken up, and since then had no communication, so this was a true shock. "I know this is random, and it's been months since you've heard from me, but I just miss you so much, and I was hoping we could talk." You were stunned. You couldn't answer. "If you could spare an hour or so, we'll go for lunch down by the river. You know that place we always went to? We can really talk it through there." You barely thought at all, as you finally replied, "I'm free Monday." "Is 2 good?" "See you there."

Niall: "We broke up," you mumbled, after Niall showed up at your door. It was only 2 months since that horrible day, and you were not ready to see him again. You were still trying to deal with your heartache, and seeing your ex didn't make that easier. "I know, I know, and I should be trying to get over you, but I can't. I love you, and you know that. You know how much I love you, and I just can't get over you. I have tried, trust me I have, but though I try to get you out of my head, the truth is I got lost without you." You couldn't think straight, not in that moment. It was just too much, too fast. "Niall, you can't just show up and say this and expect me to say okay, or forgive you, or..." "I know," Niall repeated his earlier words, "But you need to know the truth. I love you, and I miss you. And if you can somehow forgive me for breaking your heart, then I want to know. I feel so lost without you." You crossed your arms across your chest, but already felt you heart falling for him again, "Just give me some time to think about this." "Okay."

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