#129 You worry about his ex

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Harry: Most of Harry's ex's were famous, perfect, beautiful, and everything you felt you weren't. You felt like nothing compared to them. You were just some nobody, you told yourself. So when Harry was catching up with Taylor, you felt so much fear that he'd suddenly see how much better he could still do. By the time he walked away from her, you were in tears. "What's wrong?" You tried to brush away your tears, "Nothing." You knew you were just being paranoid, and didn't want to tell Harry the truth. He assumed though, and could tell that your tears were over his conversation with Taylor, "[Y/N], I love you so much. You are exactly who I want to be with." A small smile crossed your face, "Are you sure?" "A hundred percent," Harry replied, placing an arm around your waist, "I'm so lucky to have you as my girlfriend, and I know that."

Zayn: "I wish you wouldn't hang out with her," you told Zayn, after learning he and a group of friends, including Perrie, had been together the night before. "You're worried about Perrie?" he asked, as if that was the craziest thing he'd ever heard. You didn't think it was insane to worry about her though. "She's your ex-fiancée. She's not some random girl you dated for a day or two. You two were almost married! Of course I worry." Even with that explanation, Zayn just didn't get your concern, "But I'm with you now. We have some of the same friends, of course I see her, but that's it. She's not important to me anymore." You tried to understand his words, but they didn't change your mind in the least, "I'm sorry, but it bothers me so much. Please just... at least don't hang out with her if I'm not there. Is that so bad?" Zayn shook his head, thinking that sounded reasonable, "No, that's fine."

Niall: "We dated for like a day!" Niall argued, after you told him that you did not like that he had been talking to Barbara lately, "It wasn't anything serious." "You still liked her," you responded, hating how insecure this made you feel, "And she's so perfect. I just don't like feeling like this. I don't mind you around millions of other girls, but this one does bother me." Taking his phone out of his pocket, Niall tried to hand it to you, "Please look through the text we've sent each other. It's nothing. You're freaking out for no reason. She is not important. I don't even like her anymore, but I love you." "If she's not important, than don't talk to her." You didn't want to seem like a crazy girlfriend, but this one issue was a big deal to you, and you had to say what you were thinking. It just drove you out of your mind to think he was flirting with his ex. Niall didn't want this to cause a strain on your relationship, so it was no argument for him, "Okay, we won't talk again. I promise."

Liam: On a day when your confidence was low, you did not want to hear that Sophia had called Liam twice, trying to get in touch with him. It was even worse to hear him say he was going to call her back. "Why would she call you? You two broke up. You shouldn't have to call her," you said, so worried over what her and Liam actually speaking could do. Liam tried to assure you it was okay though, "She just wants to talk. We were friends, and I think she just wants to talk again. I'm with you now, and that's it. We would never get back together." You barely heard anything he said, "She's your ex, and that's it. You may not think much of it, but she's not calling to just catch up." "You don't know that," Liam countered, "It's just a phone call." You wanted to believe that, and you did trust Liam, but it just worried you too much, "I don't see as just a phone call. I'm sorry, but please don't call her back." Liam truly saw nothing wrong with it, but did not want to hurt you, "Okay."

Louis: "Hi Eleanor, it's nice to meet you," you said, while wearing a fake smile. Pretending to be happy to be meeting your boyfriend's ex, after a concert, was not how you wanted to spend your time. You hadn't even known she was going to be there. Louis had told you nothing, and now you just felt so awkward. She had been with Louis for so many years, and you knew they had loved each other at one point. Instantly, as you were shaking her hand, you began panicking. You and Louis had only been together 3 months now. What if you were just rebound? What if he saw her, and realized he still loved her? As your mind was spinning with so many possibilities, Louis placed his arm around your waist, and leaned in to whisper to you, quickly putting your mind at ease. "I didn't invite her, someone else did." After whispering that to you, he looked over at her, and though he didn't want to be rude, he was more worried about making sure you felt okay, "[Y/N] and I have to leave, but thanks for coming."

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