#67 Someone breaks into your home

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Louis: "I-I was asleep! I heard them, and...." you could not finish your sentence, as you collapsed into Louis' arms. His shaking arms. He had just gotten home to cops everywhere; and still did not really know what had happened. All he knew was you were crying, upset, and something was wrong. "What's going on?" Before you could reply, or even try to, one of the officers replied to him, while you tried to catch your breath, "Someone broke in, and [Y/N] has noticed a few things missing." Immediately Louis hugged you tightly, only concerned about you after hearing that. The missing things did not matter one bit. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine, I was just so scared," you cried, and Louis could actually feel you shaking now, "I'm sorry they took our stuff." "That doesn't matter. Not at all. I'm just glad you're okay."

Niall: Pulling into your driveway, you knew right away something was wrong. "Niall, does the window look broken?" Looking at the large window that was directly in front of your kitchen, Niall instantly began to panic. "It's shattered. You don't think someone broke in?" Your heart was racing, at the thought of someone inside of your home, taking your things, "Do you think they're still in there?" Niall did not reply to you, he was too busy dialing the police on his phone. As he did that, you tried not to cry. It was just such a scary situation to be in, and you felt useless. Thinking of someone taking things that meant the world to you, was utterly heart shattering. "How can someone be inside our home?" You questioned, when Niall hung up his phone, "How can someone do this?" "I have no idea," Niall answered honestly, knowing the two of you would just wait in the car until the cops arrived, "But we weren't home, and that's a good thing."

Zayn: You were so excited to be home after such a long time. You'd been on the road with Zayn for over three weeks now, and nothing sounded better than your nice warm bed. Stepping into your bedroom though, you froze. "ZAYN!!" You shouted, your voice coming out in a panic. He came running into the room, as he heard you scream, and stopped in his tracks when he saw what you were yelling about. "Your stuff. It's everywhere." "Someone did this," you mumbled, remembering the clean room you had left less than a month ago. As you looked around the room in shock, Zayn stepped across it towards your jewelry, where he knew right away what was missing, before he even saw it. "Whoever it was took your anniversary necklace I got you." You finally burst into tears, hating the thought of someone going through your things, and taking important memories from you. "Why would they do this?!"

Harry: You had gotten out of bed quietly to go to the bathroom, when you saw the shadow move across the hallway. You knew for sure Harry was right behind you in bed, but you were so tired. That is why you laughed, and rolled your eyes at what you thought was your boyfriend, "Harry, stop." "Stop what?" Harry asked, from back in your bed. "I-I..." You saw the person move once again. "C-call the cops." Harry sat up in bed after you said that, right as a girl came out of the shadows. "No please!" Within moments Harry was at your side, "What are doing in our house?!" "It was a dare! I'm sorry, please don't." Harry snapped back at her quickly, "Get out of our house!" Not even a second passed, before the girl turned and fled, running as quickly as she possibly could. "What the hell was that?!" Harry shook his head, "I have no idea."

Liam: "I-I got home, and everything was just everywhere. They were already gone, whoever it was," you explained once again. You'd already told the cops what had happened, multiple times, but you'd been hysterical the first few times, so they needed to hear it clearly once again. "And you sir?" With a glance at Liam, the officer waited to hear his story. "[Y/N] called me, and told me what happened, and I rushed home." "So neither of you saw them then?" You both shook your heads. The officer made a note of this, and then looked back at you, "Okay. we'll contact you if we find out anything." After saying that, he walked away, and you and Liam both just sat there in shock for a while. "It so scary to think someone was in our house, and went through all our things." You nodded your head at Liam's statement, "I know, and I hate that. I really hope they catch them, but they won't, and that's scary, what if they come back?" "They won't," Liam assured you, "Well I hope not..."

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