#50 Picking out a Christmas tree

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Zayn: "We should get a real tree," Zayn said, as you looked at fake ones to buy. "We won't be home, that's dangerous," you reminded him, while pointing at a fake one with lights already attached, "Look how pretty that one is, and we won't have to worry when we aren't home." "But a real one has that smell," Zayn argued, as you found the box for the tree you wanted to buy. "And will make a mess, and be too dangerous with us not home. Next year maybe we can, but we can't get a real tree if we aren't there." Zayn really did want a real one, and wanted to stand there arguing over it a little more, but did understand why you could not get one. Not this year at least. "Next year we're going to be home for Christmas, and get one. But fine, this year we can get a fake one. Are you sure that's the one you want?" You nodded, as Zayn picked up the box, "Mhm, that's the one."

Liam: "The tree is the most important part of decorating," you told Liam, as you walked around looking at thousands of trees, "So we have to pick the best one." Liam glanced from one to another, "They all look the same. How do we know which is the best?" "We just will," you answered, hoping that was true, "I don't think that we've found the right tree for us yet." Liam wasn't sure about what you were saying, and thought you'd seen many trees that would be perfect for you, but he wasn't going to argue about it. He just continued to walk around, and point out tree after tree. "Come on [Y/N], what about that one." "It's not tall enough, I want it to be taller," you explained, your eyes scanning the area around you. Suddenly your face lit up, "There! That one! That's it!" Liam looked in your direction, and saw a tree that looked just like any others. But you loved it, so it was the one. "Okay, I'll go tell them this is the one we want."

Louis: "Shouldn't we get a normal green tree?" you asked your excited boyfriend, as he looked at the bright blue tree the store had set up for their display. They also had green trees, but all he could see was that one. "But look how amazing this is. It looks like snow." You laughed, "No it doesn't. What about the tree with white on it? That one looks like snow." Louis looked towards the back of the store, where the rest of the tress stood, and shook his head, "No, I think this one is better." You looked at the blue tree again, and thought about it. Could this work with the ornaments you already purchased? You did not think so. "Well we'd have to get completely new ornaments. They won't work on this." Louis was actually excited to hear that, "Just means we have to pick new ones out together. Are you sure you like this one too?" You nodded, and smiled at the blue tree, "Yes, it's perfect for us."

Harry: "We should get this one," Harry said, as he pointed at a small tree that most people would have passed right by. "It's kind of small," you responded, not sure that was a bad detail. It was just the first thing you noticed about it. Harry agreed right away. There was no denying that. "It is. We don't have many decorations for it though, so it would work perfectly. It would look full, compared to a big tree that we wouldn't be able to fill this year." You thought over that fact, and about the few ornaments you had purchased. It was your first year getting a tree together, and you did not realize how long it would take to get enough ornaments to fill it. "That is true. This one would look complete..." You thought over it for a little longer, "Okay, yes, I want that one. That's our tree."

Niall: Walking through a field of trees, you were amazed at how many looked perfect. It should be a simple task to simply point out a tree, and say 'that's the one,' but you loved them all. How could you pick just one? "We need two," you commented, as Niall stopped to look at one a little closer, "One for the living room, and one for our room." "Our room?" Niall looked at you like you were crazy, but you just nodded, "Yes, our room. I want one in there. Is that weird?" "Why do you want one there?" You shrugged, as you walked over to a tree that seemed to be a little brighter than all the others, "I just love Christmas trees, and I think it would be amazing to lay in bed and stare at it. The lights off, but the tree lit up. And we have the room for it, so why not?" Niall shrugged, "Why not. We need more ornaments though."

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