#48 Your child's first Christmas

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Liam: "She's a little young to unwrap a gift, so why are we putting so many under the tree with her name on it?" Liam asked, when you placed yet another gift under the tree for your young daughter. "I know, but I still wanted to get her so much. I was so excited to buy for my little girl." Liam understood that, as he himself had gotten her much more than he should have. She would never remember any of this, but you both just wanted her first Christmas to be amazing. "And neither of us need anything, so why not just get it all for her." Liam laughed, as he placed his arm around you, "I know we said we wouldn't get each other anything, but well there is something really special under that tree for her mom also." You blushed, while looking at the tree, and piles of presents, "I got you something too, of course. I hope you like it."

Harry: Your son was born not longer after the holiday season, so by the time his first Christmas came around he was at least old enough to smile over the joy he could tell both you and Harry were feeling. "I love this so much," you smiled, as you sat with Harry on the couch, watching your son play with one of the small toys you had gotten for him. "I knew Christmas would be so much better with him around," you continued, watching as he put that toy down and grabbed a different one, so happy to just stick each and everyone in his mouth. That was the part he was enjoying for now, he didn't really understand toys just yet. "Can you imagine how fun it'll be when he's older?" Harry asked, so excited, "and Santa comes, and we get to see him so excited over it. That's the part I'm looking forward to. This is nice, but I know it'll get even better."

Niall: "I am never going to forget this moment, how happy they are," Niall said jokingly, as he watched your children sitting with all their new toys all around them. They couldn't care less about them though, and only wanted the boxes in which you had placed them. "We could have saved a lot of money and gotten them boxes and paper," you sighed, not expecting at all that your children would be so happy over the things they were. They were each just so ecstatic over the simple paper that had covered what you thought they would love. Niall agreed, and laughed louder as he replied, "Well for their birthday, now we know what to get them. Wrapping paper and a box, that's an easy shopping list." "True," you nodded, "And in ten years, we'll remind them of this, when they want a million toys and games." "We'll just tell get them paper forever, and tell them they used to be happy with it, why not now." You laughed, "We should wait a while, and do that one day. Just see what they say."

Louis: "Her little stocking full of baby toys, her outfit, her first Christmas," you sighed, as you and Louis got your daughter ready for the day; her first Christmas day, "Everything seems just right." "Which means it will go all wrong," Louis answered, already knowing that was a fact. He didn't need to truly know what the day held, to know it would not go as smoothly as it had so far. You were just about to argue, and tell him not to say things like that, when your daughter spit up all over not only herself, but you in your Christmas outfit. When you turned to Louis frowning, he had to try really hard not to laugh. It did not work though. "I told you it would go all wrong." You handed your daughter to Louis, right as you heard a crash from your living room, "What was that?" Louis laughed a little more, "I'm not sure, but I did put the tray of food we were bring to Mum's in there, so probably that." You could have gotten so overwhelmed in that moment, but for some reason just laughed, "This seems more right for us than that perfect Christmas I thought we had a few minutes ago."

Zayn: "I gave him a little bite of the cookies you baked for Santa," Zayn told you, after you mentioned to him that you were shocked your son had not wanted to eat yet. It was getting late. "A little bite?" You instantly knew it was more than a bite, and felt annoyed. "Zayn, I told you he was still too young." "He's fine," Zayn assured you, knowing he wouldn't have given it to him if he didn't think he was old enough for it, "He enjoyed it a lot." You sighed. You didn't want to argue on Christmas Eve, but it was something you felt strongly about. He was still too little for cookies. You let it go though, for now. "I'm glad he liked them, but now what will Santa have?" Zayn laughed, "He ate the cookies too, don't worry. He came early, and left all the gifts hidden around the house." You laughed as well, and rolled your eyes, "You know when he's older, or we have more kids, you will actually have to pretend to wait for Santa before you do all of that."

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