#131 You like him & he likes someone else Part 1

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Liam: You had slowly been building up the courage to tell Liam how you felt. It was so scary, to risk losing him by telling him your true feelings. It was something you wanted to do though, after many years of feeling so strongly for him. "Liam... I..." It was such a cliche moment, you finally being ready to tell him the truth, staring at your best friend with so much hope. And maybe he knew what was coming, and didn't want to hear it, because he was quick to cut off your sentence, "I asked out that girl I told you about. We're going Saturday. I'm not sure where yet. Do you have any suggestions?" "I..." you felt frozen, trying so hard to hide your broken heart, "Sure. What type of date do you want to go on?"

Louis: You had seen Louis in love before. You had even been happy for him at that time. You were glad that he'd found someone who made him so happy. They'd broken up though, and suddenly the small feelings you had for him had grown so much. That is why it was now so hard for you to seem happy, as he told you all about the new girl he was falling for. "She kind of looks like you. You know the same hair color and same eyes," he explained, "She's really nice. You'll have to meet her soon." It was painful for you, to keep the smile you were wearing on your face, as you gave him a lie as a reply. "I'm really happy for you. I'd love to meet her."

Zayn:  "Do you think I stand a shot?" Zayn asked you, clearly nervous that the girl he was crazy about would not feel the same way back. You didn't see how that was possible though. How could she not fall for him as well? He was so perfect in your eyes, and she would have to be crazy to not feel the same. "I'm sure you stand a chance. She'll be really lucky to have you." "You really think so?" He questioned, hopeful that what you were saying was true, "So I should just ask her out?" "Of course. Go for it," you encouraged him. As much as it would hurt you to see him with her, you wanted him to be happy, "I'm sure she likes you too."

Niall: Just being Niall's friend had always felt like more than enough for you. You knew your feelings for him were much stronger than friendship, but you never felt the need to act on them. So when he was happily talking about his new girlfriend, you did not understand why you felt so crushed, and wanted so badly to tell him the truth about how you felt. "[Y/N], are you listening to me?" Niall asked you, as he noticed you were off in your own world. You snapped out of your thoughts, and tried to remember what he had just said, "Um, yes, she's nice, and you like her, and..." "I had changed the subject to something else, but yeah, I really do like her a lot."

Harry: "It's nice to meet you," you lied, as Harry introduced you to the girl he was seeing. You did want to be friendly to her, but it was hard when you felt so jealous that she was exactly where you wanted to be."You too. Harry talks about you all the time," she replied, sweetly, making you feel even worse. Harry did not notice how much you wanted to run from the room, and was just happy to have his best friend meeting his girlfriend. "[Y/N], you should come with us today." "I don't want to bother you," you answered quickly, knowing you could not be a third wheel to them. It would be too hard for you. "Oh you won't bother us." "Not at all." You tried to hide your panic, as you forced a fake smile across your face, "Okay."

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