#100 Getting back together

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Niall: "People are going to say we're stupid, and say we...." "[Y/N], stop," Niall cut you off, when you were beginning to list the millions of things everyone would say about you getting back together, after the horrible breakup you'd gone through only a month ago. "What they say doesn't matter. You want to get back together, right?" You thought over it for a moment, before nodding your head. You had argued and fought, and said things you both regretted, but you now realized nothing was perfect, and there was no one you'd rather have hard times with than Niall. "I know I said things about how much I hated you, and how I never wanted to see you again, but I really never stopped loving you. So they can say what they want, and I'll try to ignore them as much as I possibly can."

Harry: You did not have a bad breakup. It was probably one of the best you cold posssibly have actually. He'd simply gotten too busy, and you both decided it was best to go your seperate ways before it did get bad. So when he called you up, you had no hesitation in answering the phone, "Hey Harry." "Hey [Y/N], how are you?" "Good, you?" Harry could have answered, but small talk was not what he wanted. He did not call to ask you any of the little things your conversations were normally filled with. So instead of replying, he got right to the point, "I really miss you. I know we broke up because we were worried about what could happen, but I wish we knew. I really want to try again, and not worry about what the distance will do to us." Your heart instantly began to beat a little faster. You never thought you'd hear him saying that. "I'd really like that too."

Zayn: Zayn was so hesitant when you asked him to get back together. Only 2 weeks ago you'd dumped him, saying you needed time apart, and now suddenly you wanted him back. "I don't know [Y/N]. You said you wanted a break only what, 12 days ago? How can you change your mind so quickly?" "I-I just miss you," you admitted, trying to remember why you ever thought you would be better off without him, "I was so stupid when I said that. I love you so much Zayn, and I miss you so badly. Please, please, give me a second chance." You were begging him, because you knew the answer you should hear is no.You hurt him. He didn't need to give you another chance to do it again. No just would not fall from his lips though, "We'll try..."

Liam: Your first kiss with Liam after several months apart, somehow felt like your very first kiss all over again. The same sparks you felt, when your lips touched Liam's for the first time, you felt all over again. "I missed you so badly," you told him, still wrapping tightly in a hug, "I can't believe we ever thought breaking up was a smart idea. I felt like an idiot the second I walked away that day. I regretted it so much." Liam did not want to think back to that horrible day. Not now, when you both felt so happy, finally together again. "That doen't matter now. I'm just glad that we're back together, and I am never letting you you go again."You tightened your hold on him, and smiled, "I love you so much, and I'm never letting you go either."

Louis: Breaking up was hard for both of you to do, but you never thought that getting back together would be even harder. You had both really hurt each other. He'd moved on so quickly, hoping to make you jealous; though you didn't see it that way. And you'd hurt him by saying horrible things to your friends, knowing it would get back to him. You'd both done so much to hurt each other after your breakup, and now you were truly worried about gettting back together. Would you do all of that again? "I don't want to get hurt again," you mumbled, as you sat with Louis outside of his home, talking about the relationship you were trying to fix. "Me either," he admitted, but he had a little more faith than you, "And I don't think we will get hurt. I trust you, and I also know I won't ever hurt you again. I love you [Y/N], and I'm sorry." You were still hesitant, even if you smiled over his words, "Let's just take it slow."

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