#69 Moving Away

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Liam: There were thousands of places you could have gotten a job. An entire world filled with them. However, your dream job, the one you had worked towards for so long, was across the globe. Millions of miles from the man you loved. "I'm sorry Liam," you cried, your heart aching over having to leave. You were not ready, and felt as if you never would be. "Don't say sorry [Y/N], this is your dream," he assured you, "And no matter where you are, we'll be okay. I'll be there as much as I can be." "But you're always here when you're not on tour. Recording, spending time with family, or something." Liam did know all of that was true, but that didn't change what he would do to see you. "I don't care. If I have to spend my few days off somewhere far from home, I will. As long as I'm with you, then it's okay."

Zayn: "Come with me," you begged Zayn, already knowing the answer he would give you was no. You had asked him before, repeatedly, to drop everything and come with you. It seemed so easy in your mind. His job did not tie him down to one city, he could live anywhere he wanted. He had no reason to stay, but he said no every single time. You had been together barely a year, and he just wasn't quite ready yet. You wanted to be okay with that answer, but you weren't. You needed him with you. "[Y/N], you know I can't." You shook your head, with tears in your eyes, "I don't. You can Zayn, you just won't." He hated breaking your heart, but his answer would not change, "I love you, and one day, maybe I will. Right now, I'm just not ready to move. I'll go often though, I promise."

Niall: It was not forever. You were moving away for only a few months for school. It was just a semester abroad, and then you would be home yet again. In both of your minds though, it felt like that time was going to last forever. You never wanted to get on the flight that was taking you across the ocean, "I'm going to miss you so much. I don't want to go. I could take another class." Niall held you tightly in his arms, as he shook his head, and choked out a reply, "No, go. This is important for you, to reach your dream. I can't stand in the way of that." You bit your lip, trying to stop your tears, "Promise me you'll call me every single day." Niall nodded, "Every single hour." "You better," you sighed, tightening your hold on him, "I'm going to be thinking about you every second of the day. I miss you already. Six months seems too long when all I want is to be with you forever."

Louis: "You travel all the time anyway!" you shouted at Louis, after he expressed anger over your choice to move hours away from him. You were almost living together, and now you were moving. "It won't effect us." "Yes it will," Louis argued back, glancing at his place, and at all your things scattered around it, "You may not officially live here, but you do. How often are you really at your house? And now you're moving hours away. It won't be the same at all. When I am here, I have you. Now I won't." "You act like you can't come see me," you replied, while sitting down at the edge of his bed, "You can. Don't make this harder on me. I'm already having a hard time leaving home, and I just want your support. Please." Louis was of course not suddenly happy, but he did not want you to think he was unsupportive, "Okay, fine. I won't say anything again. I'm going to miss you here though. It won't be the same."

Harry: "It's only a few weeks," Harry whispered in your ear, the night before you were set to move across the world from him. "Only a few weeks," you repeated. That was how long your separation would last, before he was done recording the CD they were currently working on, and would move to be with you. "But then you leave for tour anyway," you stated sadly, knowing your joy of him being with you again would only last for a few short weeks. "And I'm going to miss you all over again." "Yes," Harry nodded, but he didn't feel the same way about his touring. It wasn't the same. "But every single day I have off, whenever I have time, I'll have you to fly home to. There's nothing I'm happier about than that fact. I get to fly home to you. What could be better?"

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