#99 Surfing together

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Harry: Your insides were uneasy, as you stood before a large turquoise sea. It stretched as far as you eyes went; the waves growing and crashing in front of you, causing you to panic. "Harry, we can't go out there. Are you serious?" Looking into the water as well, Harry did not see the scary sight you were seeing before him; instead he saw gentle waves, that would bring fun to your day. "Yes, it'll be fun [Y/N]. They waves aren't bad today." The knots in your stomach were going nowhere, but you did not want to disappoint Harry. You knew you were picturing it worse than it was. So with jittering hands, you picked up your surf board, and swallowed the lump building in your throat. "It's now or never."

Niall: You were spitting out salt water, as Niall rushed to your side. It had been less than a minute since the moment your foot slipped off your board, sending you into the terrifying neverending darkness that is the ocean. When Niall could see that despite the water, you were okay, he began to ask you questions. "Are you okay? What happened? I didn't see it." It took you a few more moments to catch your breath enough to reply to your nervous boyfriend, "I was doing fine, but I just lost my balance. It felt like I'd never get above the water. I was scared." Niall did not know what he could do, that make you feel better, so he just hugged you; which was exactly what you needed. "Do you want to leave now?" There was no hesitation in your answer, "No, I want to go back out there. One wave can't keep me down. Just give me a moment to catch my breath, and we'll go again."

Zayn: The waves were tranquil that day, as two of you surfed in them. Some may have said they were too small to surf on, but you and Zayn were enjoying your time. It felt safer to you, that they were not 5 feet tall, ready to crash down on top of your frame. "I had such a good time," you told Zayn, as the two of you made your way back towards the sand, "We should do that again soon." "Maybe we'll find actual waves next time," Zayn responded. You were quick to shrug your shoulders at that comment, "I had fun with just these little waves. I can actually say I went surfing with my boyfriend. I didn't think I'd ever say that. Like I said, I had a really good time!"

Liam: "I did it!" You were screaming that repeatedly, after standing on your surfboard for longer than two seconds for the first time. You'd been in the ocean for almost 3 hours now, and it was so rewarding to finally have done it. As soon as you were back on solid ground, Liam had you wrapped tightly in his arms, "I told you that you could do it, [Y/N]!" He was very proud of what you'd just done. You'd almost given up more than once, due to feeling like it would never happen, but you didn't. You were now extremely glad you'd listen to Liam encouraging words, instead of the negative thoughts in your mind. "You were right, I actually stood up! I want to do it again!"

Louis: Louis was trying to teach you what to do, but you way to distracted to pay any attention to his words. Every time he moved, your brain made a mental note of how amazing he looked. "[Y/N]. do you understand?" That question brought you from your thoughts, and into reality; where you had no idea what was going on. "Um, no. What did you say?" Louis had noticed the daydreaming look in your eyes, and so he wasn't shocked by that answer. "[Y/N], please listen. It's important you know what you're doing out there." "I'm sorry. It's just, my boyfriend is very distracting." Louis had this instant thought of leaving the beach, and going home to be alone. You'd driven a few hours to do this though, so it didn't seem like the best option. "Just figure out a way to pay attention?" "I'll try," you sighed, "You may have to repeat it all a few more times though."

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