#12 He gets protective after another guy hits on you

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Niall: "What is wrong with you?" you laughed, after Niall pulled you extremely close to him, and kept his arms around you. You knew the reason for it, but asked anyway. He knew it was because another guy had just hit on you, despite the fact Niall was right there, and he did not like that at all. You just wanted to hear him actually admit that. "Nothing." "Oh come on Niall, I can tell you're mad," you continued, smiling softly at your boyfriend after you did, "And there's no reason to be. Don't worry about him." "I'm not," he replied honestly. Worry was not the issue. "I just don't like someone else hitting on you. That's all. You don't like it when girls hit on me either." You shook your head, still smiling. You could not deny that. It came along with being his girlfriend, but you never did quite like when girls would flirt with him directly in front of you. "No, I don't. Anyway, why don't we just leave? I don't even want to be here anyway. We should go somewhere we both want to be."

Harry: Harry typically did not get upset if other guys hit on you. He knew he could not control that, and it wasn't his place to tell them not to think you were beautiful. If you were okay with their harmless flirting, then he didn't care. This time though, something felt off. "I just don't like the way he's looking at you," he explained, when you asked him why he was glued to your side ever since another guy had hit on you for a few minutes. "It's fine," you responded, having not even noticed the guy was still around anyway. He was though, and Harry just didn't feel right about it. "You know I'm not the jealous type. I trust you, and others can hit on you all they won't. I can't stop that. I just feel protective this time. Okay?" You actually thought it was sweet. He really did seem so concerned. How could you be angry about that? "Okay Harry, then just stay right here. I'm not going to complain about having your arms wrapped around me all night."

Louis: You could see the way Louis hated it, from the moment the other guy walked up to you. He was going crazy, and you just wanted to laugh the entire time. You held it together though, and tried to be nice to the other guy, who was flirting in the most obvious ways he could. This kindness meant that he talked to longer than he needed to, and Louis finally had enough. He walked up to stand beside you, and put his arm around you, "She's taken, can you go." The other guy made a face, before walking away. "Louis, I was fine," you snapped, as you turned to look at him, "You don't have to get so protective." "I'm sorry, I just worry that one day you'll fall for some of those stupid lines these guys tell you." You laughed, "Louis, if you believe that, you really are crazy. I am not falling for anyone else. I already have an amazing guy. A protective one, but an amazing one."

Liam: You told Liam how uncomfortable it made you to have other men hit on you. So when anyone did, he was always quick to get very protective. So you were not surprised, when as soon as some guy started to use some line on you, Liam was right there, protectively standing in front of you, asking the guy to leave you alone. Normally they quickly would, once they realized you were taken, but this time, the guy still wanted to talk to you. "Is this guy really your boyfriend? Come on, just talk to me." You didn't reply. You just felt so uncomfortable. There was a reason you told Liam, and liked him just being protective. You did not want to deal with this. "Just go please," Liam said again, while also reaching behind him to grab your hand, to make sure you were okay. The other guy rolled his eyes, "Whatever, not even worth it." He walked away after that, and Liam quickly turned around to look at you. "You okay?" "Fine," you smiled, though you really were not, "I'm just glad I have you."

Zayn: Laughter fell from your lips, as Zayn pulled you around the dance floor, getting you as far away from the other man trying to steal your attention as possible. "You know, this is the most you've ever danced with me. Maybe guys should hit on me from now on when I want you to dance." Zayn did not laugh at your joke, instead he nervously looked across the room, where the other guys eyes were still on you. "I wish he would just leave you alone." "You're so protective," you sighed, before kissing him quickly, "But don't worry Zayn, I'm fine. You're right here, and you can see that I'm fine. He wants a chance, but he's obviously not going to get it." Zayn did know this guy stood no chance. He trusted you enough to know that completely. He however, still did not like another guy hitting on you. "I just want to protect you." "From a guy hitting on me?" You asked, and then just smiled. He just cared so much, and you didn't want him to feel the need to be so protective. You wanted him to enjoy his night also. "You know what, let's just go. We can dance elsewhere."

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