#101 Shopping Together

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Zayn: "Those girls are staring at you," you whispered to Zayn, while you were looking through a rack of clothes. Directly across for you, there were 3 girls pointing at Zayn repeatedly. "I bet they're fans, who don't believe it's really you," you said quietly, "Go over there." "I'm shopping with you today [Y/N]," Zayn answered, simply sending the girls a quick wave, "I'm making sure today is all about you." You wanted to smile, but guilt got to you instead, as you pictured being one of those girls, "Please just go tell them hi. I bet it will mean so much to them." Zayn glanced over at the nervous girls once more, "Okay, I'll go tell them hi and take a picture. The day is still about you though." "I know, don't worry," you smiled, right before he walked over to the now very excited girls.

Liam: It was meant to be a very quick shopping trip. You had dropped a drink and stained your outfit, that you were wearing to a big event. So you had to quickly buy something new, and be out in less than an hour. But after 45 minutes inside the mall, Liam was beginning to realize you were nowhere close to leaving. "[Y/N], we really have to go soon."  I know," you nervously replied, as you dug through a rack of amazing clothes, "There is just too much clothes to pick from!" "Just grab something," he answered, wishing you could make up your mind sooner, "What about the blue shirt you tried on earlier?" "I like it, but...." "Just get it. We can't be late." With a sigh, you handed him the same blue shirt once again, "Okay, okay. Just go buy it please, before I change my mind."

Harry: "One more shopping bag, and I think I may fall over," you joked, trying to get a better grip on the many shopping bags you were currently holding in your hands. You had gotten so much today, more then you'd ever purchased in one trip before, but it was your birthday, and Harry wanted you to find as much as you possibly could. You kept telling you not to feel guilty every single time you started to. It was his gift to you, and it was what he wanted to do. "I'd help, but..." Harry started, holding up his own hands, both just as full as yours. You laughed, "I think that means I'm done." "Are you sure?" "Yes Harry, I'm sure. We can't hold anything else. I've got enough. Thank you."

Niall: "That one looks good on you too [Y/N]," Niall told you, as you stepped out of the dressing room, wearing yet another dress. You'd tried on close to ten outfits now, and Niall had thought each and every one looked good on you. He never thought you looked bad though, no matter what you wore. "But the back is weird," you replied, turning around so he could see the back; where he did not see the minor issue you noticed. "It looks good to me." "You've said that about everything I've tried on so far," you commented, pulling uncomfortably at the dress, "Would you dislike anything on me?" "Sure," he lied, while picking up a dress you hated, one he didn't even glance at, off the rack of clothes waiting to be saved, "Try this on."

Louis: "I can't wear that!" You were trying to hide the redness that was covering your face, as Louis handed you a dress that seemed a little to short for you, "I would never leave the house! It's so short!" "It's not that short," Louis replied. In his mind it looked longer than it actually was, "I think it'll look good on you." "No way," you replied, shaking your head, "I like that one better." You were pointing at a dress about 3 inches longer, that you would feel a lot more comfortable in. Louis looked at the difference in the dresses, and shrugged. He really saw no difference in them. "They look the same to me." "Trust me, they aren't," you responded, grabbing both dresses, "I'll try them both on and show you."

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