He's getting married to someone else Part 3

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Harry: You tried so hard to hold it together. It was horrible though, as you sat in the pew, waiting for the wedding to begin. Harry was already in place, and you saw him glance at you a couple times. Each time he did, it became harder for you to appear okay. Finally, when he looked at you yet again, you burst into tears "[Y/N], are you okay?!" Of everyone there, Harry was the last person you expected to truly care about your tears; but he was making his way over to you, ignoring the fact he was getting married in mere minutes. "I'm fine," you lied, still crying, "This is your wedding, just go." He shook his head, as he sat down next to you, causing everyone to stare, and a few glares to be sent your way, "I don't want to see you upset." You don't know what came over you, as you replied honestly, "Then don't marry her. Please." Harry froze. He looked around at everyone in the room. He thought of his fiancee waiting in the next room. And then he thought of you, and everything you meant to him, and knew what he was doing as he answered. "Let's go then."

Louis: You couldn't do it anymore. The fake smiles would no longer cross your face. You could no longer pretend Louis' marriage was not bothering you. When you knew the lies you were telling everyone were falling apart, your first thought was that Louis would find out. He would know you were upset, and you wanted him to hear it from you. So you went to his house, and luckily his wife-to-be was not there. "[Y/N]?" "Hey..." You paused for a moment, while Louis tried to think of why you were there. He got his answer though, when you finished your sentence, "I know I shouldn't say this. Not now. I just... I'm not okay with you moving on so fast. It hurts me so badly that I still love you, and you're getting married. I hate it." Louis was stunned to hear that, "I..." "I'm sorry, I just had to say that." He swallowed hard, and looked around for a moment before staring back at you, "I'm sorry I moved on quickly. I was just trying to get over you at first, and I somehow proposed so soon." "You love her though, I get it." "I really do, she's amazing, but that doesn't mean I don't still care about you. I never wanted to hurt you, and I'm really sorry I did."

Zayn: After the rehearsal dinner, you were waiting by the phone when your friend's called to tell how it went. Not all of them were invited to the dinner, but a few were close to Zayn, and were there. "So, is he happy?!" You asked, before either you or your friend said hello. "He um, he looks like he's just kind of going through the motions. I don't know. I'm shocked really. It's his wedding, and honestly [Y/N], he does not look happy at all." Your heart hurt to hear that, "He's not?" She wasn't sure if she should be telling you this, but it seemed like the right thing to do, "He seems miserable. Maybe he needs a reason to walk away honestly." "Maybe," you replied, truly feeling bad that Zayn was not happy for his big day. Your friend paused for a moment, before finishing her thought, "I think you could be that reason. He still loves you. Call him, please. I'm almost sure if you do there will not be a wedding tomorrow."

Liam: You could cry about your lies to Liam forever, or you could do something about it. And somehow, after a night with your friends, you decided the latter option was the better one. You called him, waking him up in the middle of the night, "[Y/N]?! What's wrong?! What time is it?!" Before you answered, he was already out of bed, worried about why you would call him at this time. "I'm fine," you told him, holding back your tears, "I just called because I'm not okay." "What's wrong?" Liam asked, not understanding what you were talking about. You almost stopped, but figured it was too late now. "I'm not okay you're getting married to her. I'm not okay you've moved on. I'm not okay. I miss you so much. I'm sorry." You were completely in tears, and the few seconds Liam took to reply were excruciating, "I'm-I'm... I miss you too, but I'm getting married. I-I... Can we talk in the morning?" He wasn't completely turning you down, and that was a shock to you. "Um, yeah, call me."

Niall: You had less than three days from the moment you learned the date of Niall's wedding, to the big day. Each of those days was filled with many tears, and thoughts of how horrible this was. On the actual day though, no tears fell. Instead you grabbed your phone, and with full confidence called up the soon-to-be groom. "[Y/N]?" Niall was shocked to see your name on his phone, on today of all days, "Are you okay?" "Yeah," you nodded, even if he did not see it through the phone, "I just called to say that um..." "I'm getting married in 6 hours," he cut you off, not sure where you were going. "I know," you sighed, "I just called to say that I'm happy for you, and that I um, I do miss you, but I know it's time to let go." "Yeah," he agreed, "I really wanted us to work, I hope you know that. If you hadn't been so scared... I think we could have been great." You smiled to yourself. Just hearing that was nice. "I think so too."

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