Switched at birth (part 2)

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Liam: "They switched the babies," you mumbled over your breakfast, still in shock over the news. Liam, who's eyes were dark, after a night of no sleep, still did not believe what you were saying. "How can you tell me our little boy isn't ours." "I don't know," you cried. You son, who was currently at school, was your world. You did not understand how this could be happening. It felt like a nightmare you just couldn't wake up from. "So what do they want? Who called and told you? Are you sure it's true?" Liam questioned, so much more he also wanted to ask, but knowing that was enough for now. "They-they said the other parents found out, and they want to sue the hospital. Leave the boys were they are, but sue." Liam didn't say anything. "Liam, I know this is so much. I don't even know what to think. I do know, I think we should. Make sure this doesn't happen to someone else." "So you're upset we got our son?" Liam asked, his own emotions a mess. He did not know what he was feeling. You felt fresh tears. "I am not mad that I got to raise our little boy. I love him so much, and I don't feel anger over that. But this is wrong. I can love my son, and be grateful I have him, while also being angry as well." With a nod of his head, Liam sighed, "Do we tell him?" You did not want to, but it wasn't an option. "We have to. He'll find out, and he needs to know from us. We just have to stress how much we love him, and it'll be okay. We know our son, and he will be okay. This will all be okay."

Niall: "But Mum, why do I have to meet them?" your six year old questioned, his voice shaking. You and Niall tried to explain to him what was going on, that his birth parents just wanted to meet him, but he didn't understand that. He was too young. All he could comprehend was there was another child out there who should be with you two, and he should be with a different set of parents as well. "You promise you won't take him back, and leave me?" "You know we could never do that," you assured him, "We love you too much." "Promise?" he asked, looking at Niall this time, needing to hear it from him as well. "We promise. Your mum and I love you so, so much. We are not going to leave you, and take him. We just want to meet him, and they want to meet you." Your little boy lifted up his arms, "Will you hold me?" "Of course," Niall said, while scooping him up, "We love you so much. Don't think we would ever want any other kid." "I love you too," he said quietly, digging his head into Niall's shoulders, "Okay, let's go meet them. Make sure to tell them I am yours. They can't take me. Make sure they know that." You leaned over to kiss your son's cheek, "I promise, they won't take you. I would never let them." "Okay." He sounded happier now, and more secure it what he was saying. "I love you Mommy."

Zayn: "They are two. Are we sure leaving things the way they are is best?" The moment the question fell off of Zayn's lips, he knew he was going to get yelled at. The anger that showed across your face was instantaneous, "She's our daughter! What do you mean is this best?!" Sighing, Zayn tried to speak what was on his mind, "I know she is. And I love her just as much as you do. I'm just thinking, she's two. Is it selfish of us to keep her? We all just accepted that we will keep things how they are. But is that best for the girls?" Your anger was only growing the more he spoke, "How can you think that?! She's our daughter!" "I know that! [Y/N], this isn't just hard on you! I just want to make sure we do what is right for the girls, and not for us!" Zayn argued back, wishing it was easier for you to understand where he was coming from. It was not that he did not want to still keep your daughter, but he worried what this could mean to the kids when they were older. You did not reply right away. A piece of you just wanted to ignore him. How could he say these things? You finally did reply though, after a few moments, "I'm sure what you're saying does have a point. She's ours though Zayn. Selfish or not, I can't. And won't it hurt her, if she thinks we didn't want her? Even if she doesn't remember us? To think we found out, and just got rid of her, as if she's not everything to us." With your calm explanation, Zayn finally agreed. "You're right. This will probably be hard on her no matter what. At least if she stays here, she'll know how important she is to us." You nodded, "Now let's please never talk about that again. She's ours. That's it."

Louis: There was a lot of doubt in Louis' mind, over if this could possibly be the truth. He thought you just refused to admit you'd had an affair. It only made his anger towards you grow each day, waiting for the results of your own test with your daughter. "I have the results," you told him, as he walked into your home 2 weeks after the day he'd learn your daughter was not his. "And?" "And I was waiting for you. I want you to open it. I already know the answer. She's not ours. I never cheated on you, so that means she's not mine either." Louis rolled his eyes. Did you really think he would believe that? "Just look," you snapped, handing the letter to him, "And then tell me I'm a cheater. Tell me I am a horrible wife. Tell me all the things you've been thinking all week." Louis ripped the letter open, and was stunned by what he saw. "How?" "I told you," you responded, as tears sprung to your eyes. You did know all along, but the proof made it much more real. "She's not our daughter?" Louis felt sick. At least when it was just an affair, he knew he was still her dad. Maybe he'd never speak to you again, and you'd be divorced, but he'd still be her dad. This though, it scared him, "Does that mean they take her away? They take her back if they know?" You shook your head, "I looked it up. Most people don't. Not at the age the girls are now. They'll stay where they are. She's still ours." Louis stared at the results for so long, trying to accept it, and then placed it down on the counter, "Let's just not do anything. Who cares? She's ours. That's it." You did not know what was right to do, but they felt best. "I agree. Let's forget this. She's ours. Now stop thinking I had an affair."

Harry: "So I was switched? I wasn't adopted?" A wave of emotions overcame your daughter. She'd come to accept that she was adopted, but this was an entirely new thing to accept. "You must wish you had her instead. She's probably so perfect, just like you two." "Stop, no," Harry shook his head, and hugged your daughter tightly, "We don't wish we had her instead." "You are our daughter, not her," you assured her, still feeling so much guilt for keeping this for so long. Your doubts had been there, but you ignored them. It was just too hard to admit, and now your daughter was hurting over it. "I just don't understand how this happens? How can anyone switch kids? How did it happen? Why did it happen?" "We can't answer most of that, and we probably never will," Harry sadly stated. Your daughter tried to catch her breath, before responding, "I just wish I knew how this happened. Why it did. There is so much I want to know." You could not even being to comprehend what she was going through. You were in pain as well, but it was different from hers. "Do you want to find them?" You paused, trying not to cry, "The other couple? Do you want to know who they are? We'll look for them, if that's what you want. We'll contact the hospital, and tell them what happened." It took barely a moment for your daughter to shake her head, "Not now, please. Maybe one day? Don't you want to find your daughter, though?" Harry quickly answered, "We have our daughter." "You know what I meant Dad." You were the one to reply this time, carefully, "Maybe one day, if you meet them, we'll meet her. Not until you're ready though. If you never are, then we never will. It's okay. We don't have to. We have you."

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