#27 Does He Know?

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Liam: Gushing to Liam about your boyfriend, you expected happiness. Why wouldn't he be happy for you? You had no idea of the feelings he held for you. If you did, you probably would not be with anyone else, let alone be gushing about that person. You were with someone else however, and were now going on and on about how well he knew you. You finally learned of Liam's feelings, when he cut you off, bitterly replying to your words. "He knows about you in every way," he snapped, "He's memorized every part of you face. Inside and out, head to toe, he knows everything there is to know. I got it. You don't have to keep telling me. He's the only guy who would pay attention to you like that. Of course." "What is your problem?" You asked, though you already knew the answer. How could you never spot his jealousy before now? It was so obvious in this moment. Had it been this way before? "Nothing," he lied unconvincingly, "I'm glad there is a guy out there who knows so much about you. Every little thing." "Yeah," you replied quietly, "You know, I never said he was the only one who knows me. I just said I liked that he did."

Harry: You were talking with a group of friends, some of you speaking of your significant others, when Harry laughed. You had just said how you told your boyfriend everything, because you didn't like secrets, and he, as one of your best friends, knew that was not totally true. "Oh, so he knows about your secret tattoo?" "You have a tattoo?!" A few of your friends looked shocked at that news. "Harry!" You glared at him. It was a secret for a reason. "I didn't think so. What about the songs that you sing when you're all alone? Your favorite band?" "What does that have to do with telling him everything?" you asked, not hearing there was a bit of anger behind Harry's words. "Because, if you are comfortable telling him everything, he should know those details. Does he? What about the way that you dance? I've seen you dance a million times, has he?" You pulled at the hem of your shirt, as one of your friends laughed, "Harry, you sound so jealous right now." Harry's eyes widened, and he quickly denied, "I'm not. I just asked a few thing he should know." "Mhm, sure," someone else laughed, causing both you and Harry to feel uncomfortable, "Turn red all you want, but maybe if you'd admit the truth, either of you, things wouldn't be this way."

Zayn: "Where's your boyfriend?" Zayn asked, when he noticed you dancing at a friend's party alone. He knew very well that you were rarely without him. Your boyfriend was the controlling type, and didn't enjoy you out without him there. "Home," you replied, refusing to look at your phone which you instantly thought of, "He wasn't feeling well, but I promised I'd be here, so I came anyway." Zayn was truly surprised by that reply, and even more surprised when you put your arms around him, "Dance with me." He did not turn down your request, and spent the next three minutes dancing with you, without a single word said. You were dancing so close to him, and in a way Zayn had never seen you dance, not even with your boyfriend. Finally though, he spoke again, when the song ended, "Does he know you can move it like that?" Laughter fell from your lips. "Does he even know you're out?" You bit your lip, "Well, he knows I'm not home..." Zayn knew better than to say his next thought, but it feel from his lips anyway, "Does he know that I want you so bad?" Your eyes showed a mixture of excitement and worry, as you responded, "I actually think he does. It's why he hates you." You were so done with being controlled, and felt so free for the first time in a long time. You couldn't picture ever going back. You smiled at Zayn, and uttered the words that were in the front of your mind, as you grabbed his hand, "Let's forget about him." Zayn smiled, "Tonight, you're mine."

Niall: You were out with your boyfriend, so you tried to ignore the way you could not stop glancing at the blonde man who'd caught your eye from the moment you stepped into the club. You did not know his name, or anything about him, but you were drawn to him in a way you could not explain. Every time he would catch your eye though, you'd turn away. An hour and a half into the night, your boyfriend walked outside to call someone, who you did not know, and the other man finally walked over to you. You tried not to blush, but it was pointless. "I've been trying to pretend I don't know you looking over at me, and then turning around, but there's not hiding the smile on your face." You laughed nervously. You did not know what to feel or say. Your feelings were obvious, but your boyfriend was right outside. "I am here with my boyfriend, you know." He nodded, and shrugged, "Yeah, I noticed. Anyway, I'm Niall. When he's not around, let me know." He handed you his number after, and then walked away. Now wasn't the time for more than that. Maybe one day, but not now. You smiled to yourself, but tried to hide your emotions and the paper, when your boyfriend walked back into the room. You were not a very good actress though. "What are you smiling over?" "Nothing," you lied, and he saw right through it, but said nothing about it for now, "I'm just happy to be here, that's all."

Louis: "You still love me," Louis uttered, as you stood face to face. He was your ex, who you had moved on from, but he knew the truth; you were not happy with your new relationship. It was all for show, just to prove you had moved on. You would never admit to this though. "I don't love you," you lied, trying to force yourself to believe your words, "I don't love you at all. I hate you in fact. You just drive me crazy Louis." If he thought for even a moment you were honest, he would have left it at that, and walked away from you. it wasn't true though. Your denial did not mean anything, when he knew the truth. "You just don't want to look bad, because you're with him. And don't worry, he'll never know the way you lie when you look at me. He doesn't pay enough attention to notice. So keep trying to convince yourself of what you're saying, but you know I see all the little things that make you who you are. He does not. He barely knows you, and doesn't care to know anymore. He knows your hot, that's all he ever says. He doesn't know the little details I do. The things that make you happy, make you mad.." You crossed your arms, and cut him off, "You know those well." "I do know how to push your buttons, but only because i know you. And I know when you're lying, and you are. You don't love him, you just say that for some reason." Giving in could have been easy, and then maybe you would be happy with Louis once again, but you were stubborn, and unwilling to admit you were wrong, "I do love him. You have no idea what you're talking about."

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