#75 You give birth

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Liam: "One more push," you heard someone say, though you were too focused in that moment to remember who. All you could think was one more push, a few more minutes, and you'd have a little girl. She was almost here. And when you finally did push once more, it was the easiest one yet, because you just knew she was on her way. "Congratulations," you heard someone say, before feeling them place your daughter onto your chest. Finally you were out of your mind, and staring at the most precious thing ever, "She's perfect." Liam was staring down at her as well, and in awe of how much he loved her already. He knew you would love her right away, but he was told he may not, but he did. Everything changed so quickly, in the best way possible. "She is." "We're parents," you said through tears, your eyes never leaving your daughter, "This is the best feeling in the world." Liam kissed both of you softly, "It really is."

Harry: You thought after being induced the baby would come out quickly. Never did you expect to still be in labor 17 hours later. "I want this to be over already," you cried to Harry, after a particularly bad contraction ended, "I know we said he's shy, but he needs to get out here." Harry laughed softly, though he felt so badly for how long you'd been in labor already, "He's just taking his time." "He's not even born yet, and he already knows how to drive his mom crazy," you commented, before another contraction started, "I feel – I feel like I could push." "Hold on," Harry said, before quickly going to find a nurse. They both came back, as another contraction was hitting you. She checked very quickly, and smiled, "Well it's time." "So I can push?" She nodded, and suddenly it was a blur for you. After waiting so long, it took you only 5 minutes to hear the incredible sound of your son's tears. As they placed him on you, you began to cry as well, "Oh my god."

Louis: "Please, please not until Louis is here," you begged your doctor, as if she had any control over the way your body wanted to push. You did not want to give birth without Louis there though. It was too big a moment for him to miss, and you knew he was on his way. "You have a little girl who is ready to meet you," the doctor explained to you, "And she does not want to wait on Daddy." A strong contraction hit you at that moment, and your entire body was telling you to push. You could just feel it, and it was so hard to fight, "I have to push so bad." "Do it," your doctor told you, "Just push." You tried to fight it, you wanted to wait, but the next time a contraction hit, it was just too much. You began to push her out with all your might, all your focus immediately going to your daughter. She was ready to come out, and after only 2 pushes, the Dr. could see her head, "Maybe one or two more, and you could have this baby out." Right as you began to push, the door opened, and Louis was by your side, only seconds before your daughter came into the world. "You made it!"

Niall: You had just been through the worst pain you had ever felt in your life, and had just pushed a 7 pound child out of you. You were so completely exhausted, and just wanted to hold your son, and enjoy the moment. Niall who was holding your hand, having already cut the cord for your son, was quick to remind you that you could not rest just yet, "Now just push our daughter out." "I can't," you cried, just not feeling like you had it in you. You were silently regretting not agreeing to the c-section your doctor said was best for twins. "You can do it," Niall encouraged you, right as a contraction hit you, and you felt the urge to push once more. With all the strength you could manage, you tried to get her out quickly. It didn't happen the first time though. "I can't do it." "Just push again," a nurse said, "She's right there. You can do it." Hearing that, you pushed one final time, and felt relief rush through you as you heard a second cry fill the room. Niall squeezed your hand, as you both saw your little girl for the first time. "Two..." You said in aww. Suddenly you were parents of two. "You did it [Y/N]."

Zayn: "Shut up!" you snapped at a nurse, when she tried to speak to you. She was new, and just trying to calm you; but you were annoyed, and snapping had become normal for you over the last few hours. You weren't in pain, you'd had an epidural hours ago, but after 2 days of labor, and after pushing for over 3 hours, you were just tired. "How much longer?" Zayn asked, really worried for you. You were so exausted after the past 48 hours, and he knew you could not go much longer. "He's right there, but [Y/N], you really have to push to get him out. Really strong." You felt like a failure, as you shook your head, "I really can't." "Just try," your doctor told you, as Zayn held your hand tightly, "One push. If you can't do it, we'll get a c-section. Just try." You had tears in your eyes, as you pushed as much as you could. "I've got her.... One more." "I can't!" Zayn stole a glance, and saw the top of your daughter's head, "Oh [Y/N], she's there!" Hearing Zayn say that forced you to found the power to push just once more, and finally she slid out. "She's beautiful," Zayn sighed, as he saw your daughter for the first time.

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