You like him & he likes someone else Part 2

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Liam: "Why do you seem so upset lately?" Liam asked you. As your best friend, he quickly noticed the way your smile had disappeared. He didn't know what the reason was, or when it had started exactly. He just knew you had become sad lately, and he hated that. "I'm not," you lied, because you could never tell him the truth. He had a girlfriend now, and your feelings had to stay private. "You are, I can tell. I know you [Y/N], and you're not yourself lately." You hated how well he knew you, because it was yet another part of him that you loved so much. "Tell me what's wrong. No matter what it is, I want to know." You looked at your best friend, and somehow words flowed out of your mouth that could risk everything you had, even if your brain was screaming at you not to do this, "I want to be more than your best friend, and I hate seeing you happy with her. I'm sorry."

Louis: "So everything went well?" You asked Louis, the day after his big date with the girl he was crazy about. He was wearing a bright smile, and that already told you all you needed to know. It had gone well, and he liked her even more now. Of course. "It went different than I thought it would." "How was it different?" You didn't really want to stay on the topic, but you felt like you had to asked him that. He didn't reply right away after you asked it though, he seemed to think a lot before giving you an answer, "I realized as I was with her, that I only liked her because, well... she reminds me of you." "What?!" you asked, stunned by his reply. "I realized I only asked her out, because she reminds me of you. I'm sorry, I don't want this to be awkward if you don't feel the same, so maybe I shouldn't be saying anything..."

Zayn: "She said no," Zayn admitted to you, almost ashamed to admit that the girl had turned him down. He really hadn't seen it coming, and he was upset. He really liked her. "She just doesn't like me at all apparently." You felt horrible for Zayn, even if a large part of you was very happy, "I'm sorry Zayn. She doesn't realize how perfect you are. Any girl would be so, so lucky to have you as their boyfriend." "Do you really think that?" he asked you, really feeling down after being turned down by someone he liked so much. You nodded your head softly, "Yes. Trust me Zayn, I know someone who would do anything to stand a chance with you." "Who?" You smiled nervously, hoping you wouldn't give it away with your nerves, "Just a friend." "Do I know her?" You nodded, "Yeah, you do."

Niall: It was slowly driving you insane, to see Niall so happy with his new girlfriend. You hated every minute of it. Going from having such small feelings for him, to feeling so utterly heartbroken over his girlfriend was a strange thing for you to deal with. You spent most of your time lost in  thoughts of what could have been, had you only realized how strong your feeling were sooner. Luckily Niall did not understand why you were lost if your own world so often. "You never pay attention anymore." "Sorry," you blushed, and looked down, "I just have a lot on my mind lately. What were you saying?" "I was telling you that we broke up. She just wasn't..." His words continued on, but you didn't hear them. Suddenly you had your shot, he was single again, and you knew your feelings. You couldn't say anything right away though. You had to allow him to get over his break up. You had a chance though, and that made you feel so happy.

Harry: Spending an entire day with Harry and his girlfriend felt like torture for you. "I need to head home," you said, wanting to get as far away from them as possible. Harry thought you looked a little sick, and so he understood why you wanted to leave, and was worried about you. "Are you okay?" You decided to play along with what he was thinking, "Not really." "Okay," he replied quickly, and then turned to his girlfriend, surprising you when he spoke, "I'm going to take [Y/N] home." There was a sudden change as her smile dropped completely, "You're leaving?" " [Y/N]'s sick." You could see the anger building in her, as if Harry should not care about you. "Fine, leave with another girl. Whatever." Shock came over Harry's face, "Are you really that mad?" "You've spent the past hour staring at her, and she's clearly just jealous, not sick! Of coure I'm mad!"

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