#96 One Night Stand

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Zayn: "Do you come back to my room?" You knew what Zayn's question was really about. He wasn't asking you to just go sit in room and talk. The man you had only just met was asking if you would like to go back to his room and sleep together. You hesitated for a moment. You never did this. It just wasn't something you enjoyed. If you were going to sleep with a guy, you wanted to know him well, and not feel like you would never see again. This was different though. This was Zayn. How could you say no, when he was everything you wanted? You wanted this night so badly. Even if was for just a night, it would be the best night of your life. "I'd love to," you grabbed his hand, and smiled softly.

Liam: Waking up in the morning, after your one night stand with Liam, you thought you would be filled with regret. Wasn't that how it was supposed to feel? Horrible, regretful, and all those things? That's what you always thought at least. That's what you expected to feel after your one perfect night. You never thought you'd be happy. You did not expect to feel so perfectly okay with what had happened. Sure it was horrible to think that after that one amazing night, you'd probably never see him again. How could something so perfect only happen once? But one night better than nothing at all. You replayed the previous night in your mind, as you walked through your front door, and a smiled covered your face. "Wow."

Niall: You knew it was just one night. You knew it was nothing serious. You were just the girl Niall picked for the night, not someone he really wanted to be with. However, you still somehow thought he would be there when would you woke up in the morning, and a small part of you even thought maybe you'd talk and he'd realize he was actually in love. It was all just the hopeless romantic part of you that wanted to believe that could happen. This was reality though. In the morning, when you woke up after your perfect night, Niall was long gone. You were alone in your room, with just the memories of the night before. You sighed to yourself. You knew this was how it would be, but you still wished it was different. Who wouldn't?

Harry: Going into your room, with Harry right behind you, you couldn't believe what was happening. You were about to have a one night stand. You weren't sure how you felt about that, but you were not going to allow this moment to get away. You had both been drinking a little, but neither of you were drunk. You each knew exactly what you were doing, and even though it wasn't something either of you would typically do, it felt like the right thing to do right now. One night and he would be gone. There was no long term commitment in this. It was just fun. Closing the door behind you, Harry's lips were on yours in a moment. There was no need to talk. All that you needed to do was enjoy the moment for exactly what it was.

Louis: "No!" Your friend shouted that at you, after you told her who you'd spent the night before with. "You're lying! Louis Tomlinson?!" You were still in shock over the entire thing yourself, and realized how insane it sounded. "We met and talked, and it went so well. And next thing I know we were at his place, and..." "You slept with him?!" You couldn't believe that you were nodding at that question, "And then I left this morning. I don't have his number or anything. It was just one night." "One night stand or not, I'm so jealous. Oh my god [Y/N]! You actually slept with Louis?! I can't believe it!" You shook your head in disbelief.  "I can't either. It doesn't seem real. Maybe I'm still sleeping."

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