#40 You lost your memories

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Zayn: "They say photos are good to look at," Zayn stated, as he pulled out one of the many photo albums of the two of you. "I keep reading this is what I should be doing." You stared at the photos, so hopeful they would suddenly bring back a time you could no longer remember. After many minutes you looked up at Zayn sadly, "It doesn't work. I don't remember. I'm sorry." Zayn's heart broke a little more. It was so hard to see you so upset, and so confused over the life you couldn't remember. He tried to hide his pain from you though. "It's okay. We'll do this everyday until it works. No one said it would instantly happen. We have to keep trying. Those memories are there, and one day you'll have them again." "And if I don't?" Zayn forced a smile across his face, "Then we make new ones."

Louis: A month after losing your memory, you had still not gotten anything back. 3 entire years were erased from your brain. "So you really don't remember when I asked you out?" Louis asked, for the 100th time. You shook your head sadly, "No Louis. I told you, the only memory I have of you, is I do remember watching XFactor. How we met, or fell in love, all that's gone." Even after 30 days, that was still so hard for him to understand. How could all of that just be gone? "I just don't get why it's only us." You did not understand that either. Everything else in your past was still there, but Louis was just not there. "Not even our first kiss?" "Nothing Louis," you rolled your eyes playfully, "I would love to get one of those memories back in exchange for these millions questions." Louis laughed, "sorry."

Harry: It was a car accident that had taken the past two years from your mind. You had small details, but most of it was a big blur. And Harry felt so much guilt, because he had been behind the wheel. It wasn't his fault, it was just bad weather, but he blamed himself. And even though you did not remember him at all, as he sat there crying and telling you how sorry he was, you felt this need to hug him tightly. "I don't blame you. It happened. Things just happen. It's okay. I don't know you, but everyone tells me I loved you. And so I'm going to say I love you. Please Harry, I forgive you. I was never mad." "I'm so sorry," he told you once again, "I didn't see the ice." "I know," you assured him, "Instead of saying sorry, why don't you tell me about us. Please."

Niall: "It doesn't matter if you lost all our memories, we'll make new ones. If you never get those old ones back it'll be okay," Niall said happily, refusing to let this get in the way of your happiness. Life had been so good before the accident that caused this lost, and he didn't want things to change. You were okay other than your memories, and Niall was happy for that. That seemed like such a small thing in the bigger picture. "How? I don't even know who you are," you cried, hating that so many amazing memories were just gone. Niall shrugged though, and continued to smile. He truly wasn't worried, and knew you could recreate what you had before. "You fell in love with me once before, I just have to show you why all over again."

Liam: "Everyone says we were together," you said slowly, as you looked at the sad man in front of you. A man you did not remember at all. "But I don't remember you." Liam's heart was shattered to know that after falling from a ladder, you had no memory of the year and a half you had spent together. The amazing year and a half you'd spent together. But it was not your fault, and he did not want you to feel bad, so he gave a short reply, trying his best to hide his emotions, "We were." "For how long?" He hesitated for a moment, "Almost two years." Tears quickly filled your eyes. How could you not remember him, after such a long time together? "I'm so, so sorry." Liam wrapped you his arms, and held you tightly, "It's okay. You're okay, and that's what's important."

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