#7 He confides in another girl about being afraid to lose you

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Liam: There were very few people Liam trusted enough to talk to about your relationship or any issues you were having. He knew there were certain people who would spread anything he said places it never needed to be, or back to you. Good or bad, he didn't want what he said to be everywhere. So who he did confide in, he trusted totally, and their opinions meant a lot. And the girl he was confiding in now, she was one of his most trusted friends, so her reply really sunk in. "You love [Y/N], and she loves you. I don't know her all that well, but I know that much for sure. Stop worrying so much. If you took a step back, and forgot about the things you're worrying over, you would see it's all pointless. She loves you. Do you trust me?" Liam nodded his head, and his friend smiled. "Then trust what I am saying. Don't worry about [Y/N], you have no reason to."

Harry: "She is going to hurt you," she warned him, after Harry went on and on about how amazing you were, but made mention of worries that this would not last for long. Your relationship was brand new, and he was still in the stage of pure and total happiness, but reality was beginning to set in as well. He was confident, but realistic. He was so happy to talk about you nonetheless, but his friend was not so happy to hear it. "You're falling too quickly, and you're going to get hurt. Do you even know her? I mean really know her?" Harry began to answer her, but she did not let a word slip from his mouth. "You don't. You really don't. And you admit you have worries." Harry trusted her, and normally would have believed anything she said. This time was different though. He trusted her, he did, but he trusted you more, despite his worries, "I might say I'm worried, but I don't really believe she'll hurt me. I don't want to at least. I do trust her."

Niall: You and Niall had been together for over three years, when things began to change for the worse. You wanted from your relationship than what it was now, and when that didn't happen, you began arguing with him for small little things. Everything seemed to be a fight, and Niall was clueless as to why. He decided to confide in one of his closest friends, hoping she would be able to help. "I just don't know what changed. We were fine. We were talking about rings and more, and then everything changed." "How long had you two talked about the possibility of proposal?" she wondered, already connecting the dots Niall never could. "About 8 months," he answered, "And then she just changed." His friend laughed softly, "Niall, it's probably because she feels dragged around. You can't dangle that talk in front of her, and then not get down on one knee." "That's really what you think she wants? She's mad at me because I didn't ask her to marry me?" She nodded, "I am almost sure that is the problem."

Louis: "I just think I'm losing her. I can tell she's not happy anymore, and I don't know what to do. I thought maybe you would know. You know [Y/N] pretty well. What can I do?" Louis was so upset at the thought that he was losing you. He wanted to fix things so badly, and he really did hope his friend would be able to help. She sadly shrugged though, and replied, "I can't tell you what she wants. I don't know. I'm sorry. I wish I knew what to say to help, but I don't. I haven't noticed what you're saying. [Y/N] still seems to love you as much as you love her, if you ask me. I don't see any difference?" Louis was afraid of that. The change in your relationship was so small, but he knew it was there. "But it is there. I am losing her." She thought for a moment, trying to think of anything to help, and then responded, "Well maybe don't talk to another girl about it. Go talk to her. I don't know what's wrong, and you won't know the full story either, unless you just go talk to [Y/N]. She loves you though. I do know that much."

Zayn: Zayn wanted advice on how not to lose you, and that's why he went to another girl. What he did not want, was what he was getting instead. "Just let her go. If she doesn't realize how amazing you are, and is thinking of leaving, then let her go." "But I don't want that," Zayn replied, so confused why her reply was so against him trying to fix your relationship. He did not know her strong dislike for you, or her strong feelings for him, so none of this made sense to him. "I know you don't, but you still have to realize the truth. If she doesn't want to be with you, then she doesn't need you." Zayn actually understood what she was saying, and could see some logic behind it, but did not want that advice. "Or I could try and fix things. I could try and make things right with her, instead of just giving up." "Whatever Zayn," his friend snapped, then softened her face, "Just make sure you do what's right for you. I know you love her, but.." "No, that's it, I love her. I don't want to lose her, and I'm not going to. I just wanted advice on that. Not advice to leave, because I won't."

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