#10 He goes to your dance competition/concert

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Niall: "You were the best dancer out there," Niall told you confidently, as you walked into his arms after the competition. You laughed, "I don't think so, and neither did the judges." Niall quickly shook his head over that statement. Scores meant nothing to him. He had sat there watching every single person dance, and only one was amazing in his eyes, and that was yours. "You were the best." How could you not smile at that? His confident and support in you was incredible, and you were so happy to have it. Maybe he was blinded by love, and missed the mistakes you did make, but he was just so happy for you, and you couldn't blame him for that. "I will say this," you began, as you replayed your dance in your mind, and got the same butterflies you felt on stage today. You always felt right at home on stage, but with Niall there tonight, it was even better. "Tonight was the best I have ever done that dance, and I know it was because you were here. I felt so confident knowing you were watching, and that even if I fell flat on my face, someone would think I did amazing."

Louis: You were told he would not be there, and that was hard for you to accept. It was your first concert ever, and the person who you wanted more than anyone else in the world to be there, would not be able to cheer you on. You did not let Louis know you were disappointed though, because it was not his fault. He just could not be there, and there was no point in making him feel badly for it. He knew though how important it was to you, and it hurt him. He wanted more than anything to be there for you, and worked hard to make that somehow happen. He just didn't let you know of his plans. So when you stopped out onto that stage, and the first thing you saw was him cheering louder than anyone else, your heart skipped a beat. He was there, and that was going to make the night so much more memorable. You sent a smile in his direction, before focusing entirely on your show, and showing him and the crowd how hard you had worked to make tonight one no one would ever forget.

Liam: You were so nervous. You loved to dance, and it was something you never grew tired of, but you still got so nervous. You never felt ready for a competition. In your mind there were always people better than you, and you were just okay. Having Liam there for the first time cheering you on, did not help things either. You were currently backstage, set to perform in 15 minutes, and confessing these fears to Liam. "I am so nervous tonight, more than ever before." Liam knew of your fears. "You told me you always get nervous before a show." "I do," you nodded, and then swallowed hard, trying to calm yourself down, "But this time is even scarier. I just want you to see me at my best, and I might mess up. What if I go out there and I'm the worst one?" "Then we still go celebrate you going out there and doing what you love," Liam quickly replied, before kissing you gently. He did not care if you were the best or not. You loved to dance, and the few time he'd see you doing it, you had a joy in your eyes that nothing else gave you. "Just go have fun, like you do at home. You're amazing [Y/N], and I know you'll do great out there."

Harry: "Someone really special is here tonight," you told the crowd, who screamed loudly as soon as the words left your mouth. The knew who you were referring to. Everyone could see him right there, front row, cheering you on. Harry had been your boyfriend for over 2 years now, and you two had been so private with everything, but tonight he was there at your concert, and you couldn't hide how happy that made you. It was the first time he'd ever come to a show, after years of you begging him not to. Finally, you were just ready for the world to know, and to have him there for you. This was the first time you were even referring to him publicly, even if it was still without saying his name, and it felt right. After so long, it all felt so right. "And I'm so happy tonight. I always am when I'm up here on stage, but there's something extra special about tonight. Anyway, this next song, as many of you have guessed for the past year, is about him. And since he's here tonight, I felt like I should tell you guys. Anyway, here it is...."

Zayn: Your concert was nothing compared to Zayn's shows. You were performing to 500, when he performed to 50,000. It may have been barely even a portion of the crowd, but your crowd was enough for you. You were so happy to be performing to anyone, and Zayn could see that in your eyes. As he watched you on stage, singing the songs you wrote, he could see a joy in your face that was unmatched. "I've never seen you look the way you did up there," he told you, with a huge smile on his face, the moment you came off the stage. You were still on a high after that concert, and could barely contain your excitement as you replied back, "That was the most amazing moment of my life! I just got to sing my own songs, to people who came just to see me! My first show as not just the opener! People came to see me! And they loved my songs!" Zayn wished that look on your face would last forever. This was the most pure, true happiness imaginable, and it was beautiful. "That was the best concert I have ever been to." "You have to say that," you laughed, still with a huge smile on your face. "I might have said it either way," he admitted, "But I meant it. It was the best. You wanted to be up there so badly, and it showed. The crowd loved it, and you proved tonight there's nowhere you belong more than right there on that stage."

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