#59 Fool's Gold

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Niall: "I don't know how you do it. How do you live this crazy life of never knowing where you'll be tomorrow, and yet you stay so calm about it all?" you questioned Niall, after he explained to you his past week. A day here, a fight there, a night in one city before a day in another; so much had happened, and yet he didn't seem effected at all. "I used to be," he admitted, "I used to get really nervous about it all, and panic about how much I had to do all the time. The fact we never get breaks, and I'm away so much, that stuff did drive me crazy for a while. But now I'm like a boat on the water, and you're the raise of the waves that calm my mind." "Me?" A nervous laughter fell from your lips. Niall nodded though, and grabbed your hand, "Yeah, and I could say a million corny phrases about what you are to me. I'm like a crow on a wire, and you're the shining distraction that makes me fly home. Doesn't matter how crazy things get, all I want to do is rush home to be with you. That keeps me sane, knowing I have you."

Zayn: Seeing you as the love of his life was something Zayn knew he shouldn't do. You weren't returning the strong feelings he had for you. Not even close. You were in this for the moment, not forever like he was. He was falling so hard though, and knew he would end up heartbroken if he didn't end it soon. The longer it went on, the more his heart feel. You would kiss him though, and those thoughts would leave his mind for a little while. "I know your love's not real," he hesitated to tell you, scared to hear you admit to what he already knew, "But that's not the way it feels. That's not the way you feel... I know it's not real, but I also don't want to know that." Your heart ached for the man you did truly care about deeply. No, you were not in love with him, but you did care for him, and hurting him was the last thing you ever wanted to do. "I'm sorry Zayn. You are amazing, and everything we have right now is amazing. This has all been so amazing."

Harry: The day you met Harry you were just looking for a rebound. You'd just been dumped, and all you wanted was someone to make your ex jealous. Harry knew of this. He knew that you were getting over the worst heartbreak possible. He knew all along your true feelings, but it did not stop his heart from falling for you anyway. And when you finally voiced your true feelings, the day your ex finally called begging for you back, you were in tears. "I was using you, and I'm so sorry. I don't want him back now, I don't. But I... I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore." The last thing Harry ever wanted was to see you so upset. He put an arm around you, and shook his head "I've let you use me from the day that we first met, and i knew that. But I'm not done yet." "You still feel something for me?" "Maybe I'm a fool, but yes. I'm not done yet falling for your fool's gold."

Liam: Everything happened so quickly. Everything about you and Liam felt like it was spinning out of control, before it even began. So many voices told you both to slow down, that rushing into things would only hurt each of you in the end. You didn't listen to anything though. "Maybe they were right," you sadly said one day, when the high from the beginning of your relationship was no longer there, and reality began to sit in. Now all of those voices seemed so much louder in your head. Was it all just going too fast? Liam was quick to shake his head, and disagree though, "I'm the first to admit that I'm reckless. I won't deny it at all. I get lost in your beauty, and I can't see two feet in front of me." "That's not good," you cut in, hating that you both seemed so blinded by love. "Maybe it's not, but even with that, I know I love you [Y/N]. Reckless or not, I'm only this way because of how strong my feelings are for you."

Louis: "I know in my heart, you're just a moving part," Louis began sadly, when the two of you were out of a date. It was your 5th, and things had been going so well. He knew though, you were the type who would run soon, onto the next guy. You never let your heart fall for anyone for too long. "I-I... I'm enjoying tonight," you tried to change the subject, as you nervously looked around, trying to find something to talk about. You knew you would leave him soon, before your heart fell totally in love. You didn't want to think about that now though. "Please, don't change the subject," Louis responded, as he stopped walking, and turned so he was face to face with you, "And I knew that you turn it on for everyone you met, and you could get any guy you wanted. They all told me that... But I don't regret this. I won't. Maybe I should have waited until you did say goodbye to tell you this, but I want you to know. I won't regret this at all. When goodbye comes, this will have been amazing."

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