#35 You're scared of commitment

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Niall: "I'm happy, I am," you confirmed to Niall, after he questioned you about your feelings for him. After a few months together, just when things were starting to seem so good, you pulled away from him. You didn't return calls, you canceled dates, and you avoided him as much as you possibly could. So of course he assumed your feelings for him had already vanished, but that was not the case. "Then why are you avoiding me?" You felt so badly, but had reasons for what you'd been doing. "Because..." you froze for a moment, and sadly looked at him, "I'm too happy, and I'm just so scared of committing to this. I don't want to really start to enjoy this, and then you leave. I don't want to end up hurt, and I know that's how it'll end." Niall now understood your worry, "So you don't want to feel happy, because it may end badly? But what if it doesn't? Please give me a chance." You wanted to, you did, but it wasn't so easy, "I'm just scared. Love scares me, and so I never let things get anywhere close to that. Maybe this time I will, but give me time. I'm not ready. Not now."

Zayn: Your heart fell for Zayn so quickly. He was everything you had always hoped for, and you could not deny that. Even with that fact though, you were so scared. Scared of giving away your heart completely only to have it crushed. After four months with Zayn, falling more and more each day, you felt like you had to confess this to him. He had told you he loved you already, and yet you had never returned the words. "I know you expect to hear three words from me soon," you said nervously, unable to look him in the eyes as you did. He instantly knew what you meant. "Only if you mean them," he assured you, not wanting to hear them just because he had already spoken them himself. "I would mean them, but I just... I'm so scared to say them." He didn't need to hear why, or any sort of explanation, Zayn simply nodded over what you said, and grabbed your hand, "And that's okay. Whenever you are ready, you will be. I love you [Y/N], and I don't have to hear you say it as well to feel that way about you."

Liam: You would never admit it to anyone, but you were scared of love. You swore you never would fall in love. That simple word was the scariest thing in the world to you, and you would never risk your heart. So when you and Liam began dating, and you felt it leading in that direction, you panicked. He told you he loved you, and you said nothing. He would invite you to events, and you'd never go. Anything that was a true commitment into your relationship scared you. It scared you to think you were falling in love, the one thing you swore you never would do. "I don't want this, I don't want to be in love, I don't want to feel this need to be with someone else. I don't want to need anyone else," you confessed to Liam, feeling like he deserved the truth, "I'm so scared, and I'm being honest. I'm sorry." "So what are you saying, are you walking away from this?" You shook your head, "No, I'm not. I just... I'm scared, and I need time to think this through. I'm sorry."

Louis: "Just move in with me." That had been Louis' simple suggestion after you talked about being ready to move out of your current home. That sentence sent a panic through you. Moving in together would be such a big step, and you were not ready for that. "No, I can't." "We've been together for a long time, and I won't mind. It'll be nice. I'm rarely even there, but when I am, we'll be together. So why not?" You shook your head, and felt yourself panicking. That was a huge commitment, one you were nowhere near ready to make. "Louis, I wish I could say yes. I really do, but I can't. This is just... it's a huge step. You have no idea how hard even just saying I love you is for me. You are an amazing person, and I do l-love you, I can admit that. But I'm not ready for more of a commitment than that. I'm sorry." Louis shrugged, and tried to make it seem like no big deal, "It's okay, it was just a suggestion. Well then, we need to look for you a new place."

Harry: You were with Harry for over a year, and yet you'd still kept a guard up that most would have dropped many months ago. Your fears of love kept you from completely committing to Harry, even after all this time. "It's not that I don't have strong feelings for him," you explained to one of your closes friends, after she asked you how things were between you and Harry. She knew of your fears of love, so anything you confessed to her would not be anything new or shocking. "I think I even might love him," you swallowed hard after admitting that, "But I'm so, so scared. He's amazing, but I just don't want to end up hurt. Love scares me, and I don't want to risk it." Your friend laughed, "Listen to yourself [Y/N]. I know you're scared, and that love is a big risk. But you admit you love him, and you are only scared because of that. So go for it. If he hurts you in the end, I think it's worth it. It's better to admit that you love him now, and maybe get hurt, than to never say it, and never really try."

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