#45 Your child's first job

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Liam: "Aren't you happy for me? I got a job. I'm going to make my own money," your daughter said, after not getting the reaction she expected from you or Liam. "We are happy for you," you assured her, "Just, well..." Liam finished your thought. "We just wish you had talked to us before you did this. You can't even drive yourself there, and now your mother will have to." "But I can make my own money, and not ask you guys," she explained, desperate for both of you to be happy about this, "I can drive soon, and then that won't matter. I'm sorry." You sighed, "No, it's okay. I am happy that you did this. You should have talked to your father and I first though. You're very young, and I would have said school is enough stress on you right now. You don't need this." She shook her head, "I don't, but I wanted it. I want to make money for myself." Liam was glad to hear that, despite his concerns, "I am glad about that. It's good you don't want us to pay for everything. But one day, you'll realize these were the years you didn't have to." She knew what you were both saying, but didn't care, "I know these are my kid years, and I should enjoy them. I want this though." "Okay then. I'll drive you to work."

Harry: "Dad," your son began, as he sat down across from Harry at the dinner table, "If I get paid to do something every week, is that a job?" Harry wasn't sure what he was talking about, "Um, I'm not sure? What do you mean?" "Well the old lady next door, I've been helping her clean her house. She can't reach everything, because she's little and her back hurts her a lot, so I go and get the stuff up high. And she pays me every time. I do it every week. Does that count as a job?" Your felt a lot of pride over your son, and what he'd just said, "You go help her every week?" He nodded, "Yes m'am. She mentioned one day how she needed help, so I went. I go once a week now. I'm saving up for a video game I didn't want to have to ask you for." Harry was proud as well, and was smiling at your son when he answered, "I think that counts, yes. And that's really sweet of you to do. I'm sure she appreciates it a lot." Your son shrugged, "I just thought it was the right thing to do, to help her." "It was," you assured him, "I'm really proud of you."

Niall: Normally when one thing happened for one of the twins, it was never at the same time as the other. She walked first. He talked. He went on a date first, but she got her heart broken before him. So that it was why you were so shocked, when only an hour after your son excitedly told you about getting his first job, your daughter ran into the house with a huge smile on her face. "I got a job! A real one! My first job!" Niall laughed, "So you two planned to get jobs on the same day? I would think you'd compete to see who could get one first." Your son shook his head, and looked at his twin, "I didn't know you even wanted one?" "Neither did I," she replied, before glancing at you, "So you already had a celebration with him?" "Yes," you nodded, but then shrugged, "Well a little, but we're happy for you too. This is exciting. We should go out to eat tonight. Both of you got jobs! You have to tell me and your father where, and when you both start!"

Louis: "I'm babysitting! It's going to be my first job!" Your daughter happily exclaimed, as she ran into the living room where you and Louis were sitting. "Really? For who?" You asked, smiling. She was a very mature 15 year old, and you knew she'd be great at watching kids. "Uncle Niall," She responded, bouncing on her heels excitedly. Louis knew what she meant, but laughed, "Yeah, makes sense, Niall does need a babysitter." Your daughter rolled her eyes, "The kids." "I know," he answered, still laughing, "When are you watching them?" "Tomorrow night. They are going to that premiere with you guys, and they asked if I would. Did I have to ask you first? I am old enough. You let me stay home alone, so I'll be fine." You responded to her, while Louis began to text Niall about it, "No, you didn't have to ask us. If your aunt and uncle think you're old enough to, then I agree. And if you need anything, you call us. Okay?" She was sure she would not have to, but agreed quickly, "I will."

Zayn: "So I can use your lawn mower right?" Your son asked Zayn, after informing both of you that he was started to cut grass to earn money. He wanted concert tickets, and decided he wanted to buy them on his own. "Of course," Zayn answered, knowing there was no way your son could do this if he said no. "You do know how to use it right?" you questioned, not sure you'd ever seen your son helping Zayn with that task. He nodded his head though,  "When you weren't here last month, I helped Dad a few times. I know how to use it, because he showed me." When Zayn nodded as well, you felt better about it, "Okay, as long as you know how. I don't want you to get hurt." "I won't," he promised you that confidently. Zayn was confident about that as well, when he spoke to your son, "If you are going to start doing this, you should do ours as well. I'll pay you too. If this is your job, then we'll help you out." Your son was so happy to hear that, "Really? You'll pay me? That's awesome!"

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