#84 You are a rockstar in a band

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Louis: Minutes away from your bands award show debut, you were a nervous wreck. What if things went wrong? What if you forgot how to play your own song? You were freaking out, right as the door to your dressing room slowly opened. "[Y/N]?" "You can come in," you answered, recognizing the voice on the other end instantly. "Hi Louis," a small smile crossed your face, though you were still shaking, as you turned to see him stepping into your room. He had been the first friend you made when your band made it big, and now things were slowly becoming more. "I came to tell you good luck, and that I'll be out there in the crowd enjoying the show." Your smile grew, "I hope it goes well. I'm so nervous." "You'll be fine," Louis assured you, knowing that was true. He then proceded to finish the gap between you, and gave you a quick kiss. A kiss that washed away all your nerves instantly, as happy butterflies took their place. He was now smiling as well, "Good luck."

Niall: One night during your bands first headlining tour, as you walked off the stage, you were shocked to discover that Niall Horan was there, hoping to meet you. That sounded backwards to you. Shouldn't you want to meet him? You were so stunned when you saw him standing there. "You're amazing," he told you, as you were putting down your guitar. He could not wait another minute to speak to you. "I keep telling everyone you are my new favorite singer." You blushed over his compliment. Anyone saying something good about your music could easily make you happy. "Thank you." Niall loved the smile that now covered your face. "Maybe sometime we can hang out. I know you're tired after that show..." "I'm not," you shook your head, feeling an adrenaline rush, "Let's just hang out now."

Zayn: You were the most confident person on stage. Off of it though, when you could not hide behind your instrument, that was a different story. Zayn had only ever seen you on stage though, when you were in your element, and so he was surprised that you were so shy when you spoke for the first time. It did not help that you were so shocked to speak to him, and did not feel like a confident rockstar, but still just a normal girl freaking out over her favorite singer. "You write your bands songs, right?" he asked, hoping to get you to open up a little more. He thought if anything could, it would be your music. His music and art was something that brought him out of shell. You just nodded though, and smiled. "Do you have a lot more for another CD?" He continued. You nodded again, and thought of all the songs you'd been writing, "Mhm. So many." Zayn's face lit up, "I'd love to hear those one day. I'm sure they're amazing."

Harry: It was one thing to dream of making it big, to dream of having the perfect boyfriend and the career of a rockstar. It was a totally different thing to actually have it all, and it was not what you would have ever imagined. "The stress of it all is hard," you admitted to Harry, the man you never could have imagined actually being with, as the two of you laid in bed together. "I sometimes panic when I think of performing for millions to see. And having to always be perfect, and this life is just more than I thought it would be." Harry of course understood perfectly what you were dealing with, and wished there was a way he could make it less stressful for you, but that was sadly not an option. "I know, it is a lot to deal with. You'll never totally get used to it, but it'll get better. I promise." You snuggled closer to him, "I hope so. I can't wait to enjoy this fully, and not worry so much."

Liam: Your were in an all girl band that had worked for so long to get to where you were. Many years had been spent hoping and wishing for the moment you would play to thousands, and here it was. You were so glad you were not the singer in the group. If you had been, you never would have gotten on stage. You were unable to speak before the show you were so nervous. The show went perfectly though, and when you got off stage, you were the happiest you'd ever been. "That was amazing!" That compliment came from Liam, who you'd been seeing for a few weeks now, yet another thing that was making this year the best of your life. You rushed to him, and he quickly pulled you into a hug; he did not care if you were sweaty. "That was the best concert I've ever been to." "Sure." You rolled your eyes, but he quickly defended his words. "I mean it. You all are so amazing, and I'm glad thousands of people agree with me."

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