#114 You cheated on him Part 1

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Niall: Instant guilt and horrible regret filled you the moment you woke up in bed beside another man. Niall was out of town, busy touring the world, and you had simply gotten bored of being alone. Boredom was no excuse for what you'd just done though, and you knew the moment it all sunk it, that your choices the night before, would cost you your relationship. You crept out of the bed, silently going out of the room, and called Niall as soon as you were outside. You couldn't keep what you'd done from him. You had to tell him right away. "Hey [Y/N]," Niall answered, his voice too happy for you to handle. You began to cry, before you spoke to him, "I'm so sorry." "What happened?!" Niall was worried, not thinking at all of you being with someone else. "I'm so sorry. I love you." "I love you too. What's wrong?" "I cheated on you," you barely got those words out, but Niall heard you anyway. He did not say another word. He didn't know what to say really. He just hung up, shocked, and you began to cry harder.

Louis: "We should go out," Louis told you, when he saw you curled up on the couch. You looked awful, and he thought you were sick. He had no idea that you only felt bad because you'd been out on a date the night before, and the guilt of that was eating at you. "No," you mumbled. You were trying to remember why that date had ever seen like a good idea. When you'd been asked out, it was exciting to think someone still liked you; you'd been with Louis for many, many years, and it all seemed so routine now. It was exciting to feel those new feelings again, but now you realized how stupid that was. "[Y/N], are you okay?" You shook your head. "What's wrong?" You didn't want to tell him the truth. He didn't need to know, you told yourself. You realized how horrible your choice had been. "I-I... I think I ate something bad, that's it." Louis felt bad for you, "Just lay there then, I'll go get you some medicine." You hated lying, but the truth would ruin everything, "Okay. Thank you."

Liam: At one point you'd been really happy with Liam. He was everything you'd ever wanted and more. Slowly though, over time, that happiness had faded. Liam was always away. He always had things to do, that kept the two of you apart longer and longer. You'd grown angry, and when another man asked you out, you'd said yes happily. You didn't end things with Liam though. A part of you hoped one day things would work out. One day maybe he would be home more, and your relationship could work. For now though, you were spending your time with another man, while Liam knew nothing. You did feel guilt. It wasn't something you were proud of. But for the first time in so long you were happy, and for a while, that's all you cared about. Liam was clueless about it all, and was just happy to have you. "I love you [Y/N]," Liam told you, one night on the phone, when you'd called him after a date with your other boyfriend. You smiled, and replied honestly, "I really love you too Liam."

Zayn: "Why?!" Zayn yelled that at you, after catching you in bed with someone else. An hour had passed now, and the other man was long gone, leaving you and Zayn alone to argue. "Why would you do this to me, [Y/N]?!" You stood there speechless, so ashamed of what you'd just done. You'd gotten caught up in a moment, and allowed things to happen, that you'd never even thought of before. You did not even know you had feelings for the other man, until the moment was happening. "I don't know," you finally got out. Zayn did not want to hear that though, "Just shut up!" You stepped away from Zayn, and looked down to hide your tears from him. You'd messed up, and he had ever right to be mad and scream at you. "I can't believe you did this to us!" You wanted to say sorry, but instead you just stayed quiet. "Just go," Zayn told you, his voice finally below a loud yell, "Just leave. Please." There was so much you could have said, but instead you just did what he asked. You knew sorry could not change a thing.

Harry: After you confessed that you had been seeing someone else, though he should have been furious, Harry wasn't mad. He should have yelled at you, and told you how horrible you made him feel, but instead of doing any of that, he just sat there in silence. "Harry, say something," you begged, almost wanting him to yell at you. This was so much worse for you. You had prepared for anger, but never for this. "You weren't happy with me?" Harry asked you, when he finally spoke. He was heartbroken over the thought of you being so unhappy with him, you went to someone else. "No, Harry, I..." you didn't know how to answer that. You had messed up, and it had nothing to do with him. "What did I do wrong?" When he asked you that, your heart shattered. You really wished he would just scream at you. "Nothing." "I love you so much," he said, hating the thoughts of you and someone else, that were rushing through his mind, "I want us to work on whatever is wrong. Please." "But it's all me Harry, you did nothing wrong." He shook his head sadly, "You didn't cheat for no reason."

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