#78 He defends you against hate

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Liam: "You shouldn't have," you sighed sadly, knowing that each word Liam said about you, each thing he did to defend you, only caused the hate you received to grow. "I had to," Liam quickly replied, completely secure in what he had said to the ones who'd hurt you. He normally felt horrible after saying anything, and spent all night worrying about it. This was one time though, that he wasn't questioning it at all. "They need to know how much I love you [Y/N], and how much you mean to me. I love you more than anything else in the world, and I want everyone to know that." His words brought a small smile to your face, but did not erase your worry, "They'll never understand, but I do, and that's all that matters. I know you love me, and I love you too. So much."

Harry: Harry was never the type to speak up about things. He would never go on twitter or anywhere and defend against what people were saying. But when he saw you crying one day, over cruel words you read, that was all he needed to see. He signed onto his account immediately, and typed out 3 tweets, each using the entire 180 characters he was allowed, and hit send. It took only 30 seconds for those words to reach your screen, and your tears instantly fell a little faster. They wear no longer heartbroken tears though, as you read his words over and over again, they quickly changed to happy ones. "You called me your queen." Harry was so happy to see a smile on your face. "it's true. You are. And I never want anyone to hurt you. Even if I do care about them as well, you will always mean more to me then anyone else."

Zayn: You were always so strong. You never let the haters get to you. Today though, one too many messages had suddenly knocked you down. And when you admitted this to Zayn, his first instinct was to find exactly who hurt you and tell them off. When he did though,  t did not suddenly make you feel better. "It should," you admitted, as you sat together on the couch, with his arms wrapped around you, "It should make be feel so good, but I know it won't help. They are cruel, all because I have what they want. They call my ugly, and worse names. Names I don't want to repeat. I look at another guy, and they claim I cheat on you, I..." Zayn cut you off, "[Y/N], please don't worry about them. I know it's hard, trust me I deal with it too, but it's not worth it. Tell them off, and then move on. I love you, and what they say can never change that."

Louis: "You arguing doesn't help at all. It's sweet but it doesn't," you told Louis, after he went off on the fans who were sending you hateful things. He maybe said a few things more than he needed to, but he was just so furious. "I don't care, they need to hear it. You have never done anything to them to deserve that, and I'm going to let them know it's not okay, and at least they know it bothers me." And if they were fans, that fact should affect things; Louis being hurt over their words should make them care, but you knew better. "The ones who say this stuff, they don't actually care at all if it bothers you," you shrugged, "We can't change it. At least when something does happen, a lot of fans do actually say nice things. They make sure I know they don't all hate me." Louis placed an arm around you, "It's not many of them who are horrible, but I know it's hard to ignore." "It is," you nodded, "Every word stings so badly."

Niall: Niall was the happiest guy. He never had a bad day. Seeing you sad changed that though. You were his entire world, and he never wanted you to be hurt due to the way his career was. Any other girl would not have millions of girls saying hurtful things because of her boyfriend. You did though, and he hated it. "I can't believe I argued with them last night. I hated it, but they needed that. They can't tell you things like that, and think it's okay." You were still in bed with Niall, after a very emotional night. Reading horrible comment after comment you were brought to tears, and finally Niall had enough and went off on twitter, telling the fans exactly what he was thinking. He wasn't so sure he'd done the right thing now. "Did it make you feel better at all?" You thought over his question, and then snuggled closer to him, "Yes. You love them so much, and yet you were okay making them mad at you for me. It means a lot to me. Thank you Niall."

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