#65 Your child is bullied

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Liam: "Can I stay here with you?" our daughter asked one day, as she sat on the couch with Liam. She had school in less than an hour though. "You know you have school." Liam reminded her that, and in an instant she began to tear up. "I don't want to go," she responded, digging her head into his side. Liam was not used to this. Your daughter loved school, this was not like her. "Why not?" Liam asked, as he pulled her to sit on his lap. She hesitated to tell him the truth, she knew that the kids would call her a tattletale for that. "I..." she began slowly, "Daddy they are mean to me." That one sentence instantly broke Liam's heart, and he had no idea what to say when she looked up at him sadly, "Please don't make me go." "I'm sorry," Liam finally sighed, wishing you were here, but you were out shopping, and so he had to deal with this alone. "You have to go." "Please." "I'm so sorry," Liam didn't know what to say, he just felt so horrible. "Can I be sick at least for a day?" Liam knew what he should say, but as he sat there, knowing exactly how she felt, he just couldn't say no. "Of course. We'll tell your mum you had a cold."

Harry: Your little boy was used to mean words, he heard them all the time. He never told you or Harry about what the other kids would say, because he never let them bother him. But because he was so unaffected by their words, they quickly realized words were not enough. And when he came home one day with dirt covering his outfit, and bruises on his face, it took you less than a second to scoop him into your arms, "Baby, what happened?!" "I'm fine," he tried to say, as he pushed you away from him. He didn't want anyone to know that he was bullied. "Who did this?" Harry questioned, as he stepped into the room as well. "No one," your son quickly responded, still trying to get out of your arms, "I'm fine. I promise." You couldn't force it out of him, though you and Harry would both try of course. "If you won't tell us, please tell a teacher at least." Your son shook his head, "No, I'm okay, They're just mean. When I ignore them, they stop." You almost spoke again, but Harry cut you off, "If that works, good. If not, don't think you have to hide it." "It's okay," you son repeated, nodding his head, "I promise."

Louis: "I'm ugly. I'm stupid. I'm.." your daughter was listing so many awful things about herself, all of which you knew were not true. "Do not speak that way," you told her, hating to see her saying those things, "Why would you say that?" "Because the other kids tell me it all the time," she cried, her eyes welling up with tears, "They tell me all of those things all the time. I'm ugly and stupid, and I shouldn't ever feel like I'm pretty or that anyone will ever care about me." "That's not true!" You were at her side in a moment, your arms wrapping around your little girl, "Do not believe them. They are cruel." Your face was red with anger, and she was in tears, when Louis walked into the room, "What happened?" You were unsure if your daughter would want her father to know, so you said nothing, and waited for her to speak up. "I-I told Mom the kids at school, they call me mean words. They say mean things. What if they're right?" Anger rushed through Louis over the thought of anyone saying things to hurt her, "They are not right! Anyone who says anything rude to you has no idea what they are talking about!" Somehow with that short sentence, Louis got your daughter to smile softly, "Are you sure?" "I am completely sure," Louis nodded, "They don't know you, if they are saying things like that."

Niall: Right away you knew something was wrong when instead of talking to you excitedly about her day like always, your daughter ran right pass you towards her room. "What was that all about?" you asked your son, as he got a cup of water, and sat next to Niall to eat some cookies you had baked. "Mean kids," your son responded sadly, hating that his twin was the target of so many bullies. She was such a happy kid, and they were tearing her down just because they could. "She-she's being bullied?" you asked, as you and Niall both felt a pain in your chest. To think someone could be mean to either of your kids, it was hard. "Yeah," your son nodded, his eyes showing you how sad he was about this as well, "They are really, really mean to her. They use to pick on me, and she would always defend me. Now they pick on her, and Mum I'm too scared. I should defend her, but I just can't. And they hurt her with what they say." Niall understood that your son was too shy to stand up for his sister, even if he wanted to, "Don't feel bad, your sister knows that you're shy. She also knows you love her, and you just have to make sure to protect her as much as you can. Even if for you that's just talking to her, to block out whatever they are saying. That'll be something you can do, right?" Your son still felt bad about his inability to help, but nodded again, "I'll try that."

Zayn: "Just let him switch schools," was your instant answer, after your son came home countless times crying over bullies. He was getting picked on daily, and you could see how badly he just wanted to enjoy school again. "And what will that change?" Zayn questioned, wanting this to end as well, but not sure that changing schools would do much to effect how things were, "He'll just move to where more kids will say those things." You knew there was always a chance of moving to just another bully, you were not blind to that, but that was not a sure thing, "Or we could put him in a school where they are nice to him. Those schools are out there. He can go somewhere that won't have kids making fun of every little thing about him." Zayn could see how strongly you believed that would happen, but he had more doubts. "I just worry we'll do all this work, he'll get used to a new school, and it'll start again." You sighed to yourself, and thought over what he was saying for a long moment, before you replied again, still confident in your answer, "But we will have tried. I just don't want to leave him in a school where we know he's being bullied. Can't we try?" "Of course [Y/N]," Zayn nodded, "And I really hope you're right."

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