He confides in another girl about being afraid to lose you (Part 2)

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Liam: The advice that she gave to Liam stuck in his head the next time he was with you. He had so many worries, that this was not going to last, but he tried to remember what she had told him. He had to take a step back from his worrying, and pay attention to everything that you were saying. "I love you Liam," you told him, when you saw the worried look in his eyes you were so used to seeing. He would never tell you how he felt, but you knew anyway. He did not hide it well. "I love you too," he replied, while really letting your words, along with hers, all sink in. He could spend all his time with you worried about what could happen, or he could believe what you told him, and enjoy being with you for now. If in the end it didn't work, worrying the entire time would not make the pain any better on him. So for now, he was going to try his best to listen to her advice, and just enjoy being with you for however long it would last.

Harry: Spending time with you, a day after confiding in his friend, Harry was torn. He wanted to ignore all that she said, and it should have been so easy. He loved you, and knew despite his concerns, you would never hurt him. Her words kept repeating in his mind though, and he just couldn't shake it off. "Harry, what's wrong?" You asked that, after a full day of your boyfriend being nothing but distracted. "I just keep thinking of something," Harry replied vaguely. He didn't want to hurt you. "Just tell me." He hesitated, and did not respond. "Come on Harry." With a sigh, Harry finally replied, "Fine. I told a friend about how happy I am with you, and that I just hope it will last, and she basically told me I shouldn't be falling for you so quickly. That I'll just get hurt." "What?!" Harry realized now, after actually saying it, how ridiculous it was. "But you know what, I know she's wrong. I am falling so quickly, and I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I love you [Y/N], and I don't care if it's too soon to feel that way, I do."

Niall: "[Y/N], there's something we need to talk about," Niall told you, when he arrived home after talking to his friend. All she'd said was still in the front of his mind, and he knew you two had to talk as soon as possible. "Okay, what is it?" You said that in the same tone you'd used for months now, a dull tone that only reminded him how miserable you were in this relationship now. "I finally realized what's wrong with us, and I want to fix it." You couldn't help but roll your eyes. You were almost sure he was not going to fix it. He'd just tell you again how much he loved you, and nothing more would happen. You'd stay stuck in this part of your relationship forever. "[Y/N], I'm sorry. I know I keep promising you more, and then never giving you a ring." You were really paying attention now. Was this really going to happen? "But you need to know that I am going to marry you one day. I promise I will. I just want it to be so special, and so I'll keep waiting for the right time. I want to though, and I'm not trying to drag you along. Do you understand?" You still wanted it right away. You didn't want another second to pass, but this was at least something. "I do. Just please, don't wait another year." "Not another year, I promise."

Louis: He had to talk to you, not her. He knew his friend was right about that. Talking to anyone else about how he felt like you were slipping away, that would not fix anything. So now he was sitting face to face with you, scared to say the words that were falling from his lips. "I know things are still good, and she says I'm crazy for thinking thing, but I feel like I am losing you. Please just tell me I'm wrong." You opened your mouth to reply, but then paused. He wasn't really wrong. "I-I-I..." "So I'm right." Louis' heart was breaking. You shook your head quickly, "No. Not totally at least. I'm just getting scared, and I know I'm pulling away. I just don't want to get hurt." It instantly all added up to Louis. "[Y/N], I will never hurt you. You mean so much to me, and the worst thought for me was that I was losing you." You teared up, and looked down at the floor, "Just give me time to really fall. I just feel so scared to let it happen, but I want to. I know if I let myself, I could fall so completely for you, and never look back."

Zayn: Getting advice to leave you was the last thing Zayn wanted, but it was all he had. He was so confused. He was so happy with you, so why would his friend ever tell him to leave. But he also slowly, as much as he hated, began to see her point. If you did not want to be with him, what was the point? So instead of asking anyone else again, he went directly to you the next time his worries began to surface. "I just need to know the truth. Do you want to be in this relationship? Let me know. The longer this goes, the worse it'll be if you do leave me. I love you more and more everyday, and I don't want to wait months to find out what everyone has tried to tell me all along." You were stunned. There was no warning this was coming. You did not even know anything was wrong in your relationship. "Zayn, I have no idea where this is coming from. I love you so much. I'm not planning to go anywhere. So whoever is telling you that I am, well they're lying. I promise you, I'm with you, and there's no place else I'd rather be."

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