#118 Anniversary Surprise

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Niall: An entire year of dating Niall was something you never thought you'd see. It sometimes still did not feel real to you, and yet 12 whole months had passed of this utter happiness. It was like the best dream ever had come to life. And luckily, Niall felt the same way. "I have completely fallen in love with you over the past year," Niall told you, while holding your hand, and walking along the side of a lake, "I think this is what true love feels like. I've never felt so happy before in my life." The smile that covered your face after he said that, was the biggest one you'd ever worn, "I love you too Niall." Niall suddenly stopped walking, and reached into his pocket for a small present, "I hope you like this." You grabbed it, and felt a sense of guilt, "I thought we weren't buying each other anything." "I know, but I saw this, and had to get it," Niall explained, as you unwrapped the gift, and saw the most beautiful necklace ever, "I love it."

Liam: "Please tell me we're almost there!" You exclaimed, as Liam drove you to some secret location for your 5 year anniversary. For the past hour you had kept your eyes shut tight, after he'd asked you to, and had not opened them even once. You did want to though. You were so curious about where you were going. "No, it's a surprise. Just calm down, we're almost there," Liam answered, with a quick glance your way to be sure your eyes were still closed. "This better be good," you joked, "Because my expectations are getting really high." He laughed nervously at that, and then only a few minutes later, you heard him putting the car into park. "Okay [Y/N], open your eyes." Instantly your eyes flew open, and you gasped at the view before you. All you could see were beautiful mountains, and the most breathtaking scenery. "Whoa." "There's a resort down the road. I booked us a week there." "This is amazing."

Zayn: "That was an amazing dinner," you commented, as you and Zayn walked to your car, after eating at your favorite restaurant, for your third anniversary, "I've had a truly amazing night." "It's not over yet," Zayn stated, as he opened the passenger side door for you. You were confused by that comment. That was the only plans you knew of. "What do you mean?" The sides of his mouth turned upwards at your surprise, "You'll see." You loved a good surprise, so you were very excited to get into the car, and find out what this surprise was. "It's not far," Zayn told you, as soon as he began driving towards the surprise. And he wasn't lying. Not even ten minutes later, he was pulling up somewhere you recognized, and you were even more confused, "This is the airport?" "It is," Zayn nodded, motioning towards the back of the car, "Your stuff is in the back. We're going to Hawaii." Your eyes grew in size, "Really?!" Zayn nodded again, "Surprise."

Louis: After ten years of marriage, you wanted to do something huge for your anniversary. It felt like it just needed to be big. Life however, decided you didn't need that. As much as you tried to plan something nice for the big day, something always stopped you. So when the day came, you felt slightly disappointed. "Happy Anniversary," Louis smiled, as he walked up to you, while you were cooking breakfast. You pretended to smile, "Yeah, Happy Anniversary." Louis wrapped his arms around your waist, "I have a surprise for you." You didn't expect much, so you didn't get excited hearing that, "What?" "Well Lottie's coming later to watch the kids, and I have the most romantic night planned. I'm not going to tell you everything yet, but I think you'll love it." You spun around, with tears in your eyes, "You planned something?!" Louis nodded, and within seconds you collided your lips with his. No matter what he planned, it was already the best surprise possible.

Harry: In your mind six years of dating was huge, but nothing to celebrate like you did for your fifth year, which was such a milestone. You knew you'd go out, but didn't expect anything big. So when Harry showed up at your house with a dozen roses and a rented limo, you were truly surprised. "Why did you do this?" you asked, as you happily took the flowers out of his hands, and smelled them. Harry had expected that question, and was prepared with his answer, "Because it's our anniversary, and six years or five, they all mean a lot to me. It's another perfect year I got to spend with you." Your cheeks hurt, over how much you were smiling at him. "I have a lot planned tonight," Harry said, as he grabbed your hand, and led you to the limo. You didn't even try to think of what those plans could be, you were just excited for the night ahead. Harry on the other hand, his mind was stuck on the plans, and on the small box sitting in his pocket, that he hoped you'd accept at the end of the night. "Tonight is going to be perfect."

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