He has to choose between you and his girlfriend Part 2

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Louis: He kept his word, and picked you. He ended things with her the following day, and made it clear it was due to her forcing him to pick between the two of you. Everything should have been great after that, but it wasn't. You felt horrible. "You love her," you told him, a week after everything happened, "How can you pick me over her?" "I love you too [Y/N]," he reminded you, feeling no regret over what he'd done, "I was not going to pick her. Ever. She was making me choose, and that's why I knew who was right all along." "But you don't love me like that. You love her in that, want to spend forever with you way. You love me like a sister." Louis nodded his head, and shrugged, "So? That's still love. I'm not going to pick some girl over my sister. My best friend. Please don't feel bad for what happened. It's her fault. I could have been really happy with her, if she'd just been okay with you. I'm not picking anyone over you though, and they need to know that." You smiled softly, still with a touch of guilt, "Just promise me at the end of the day, you are thinking of your happiness." "I am, I promise," he assured you, "I would never be happy picking her over you."

Niall: "You'd pick me? You do realize what I'm saying, right? I want to be with you. I want to be where she is. Are you sure, you'd pick me?" This did not feel real to you. How could Niall leave the girl you thought he loved, all for you? How could he throw away what he had with her, just for you? "It's not hard to decide. There's no one in the world I'd pick over you." Your heart fluttered, but your mind reminded you that these feelings had never been expressed before. What if they were not true? "Do you really mean that?" "I do," he nodded, reaching for your hand, "I love you [Y/N], and you know that. You mean so much to me. I can't imagine not picking you. I can't imagine not having you in my life." "But as more than we are now?" You were unsure what him picking you over her meant, and still wondered if he truly returned your feelings. He nodded his head though, and finally truly said the words you needed to hear, "I'm picking you [Y/N]. I want to be with you. I want so much more than we are now. I've wanted to hear you say what you told me for a long, long time, and I won't let this moment pass by now."

Liam: You were so angry when you walked away from Liam, and wanted nothing but for the two of them to fall apart. You did not hope he got his happily ever after. You did not want to see them in love for years to come. You wanted so badly for her to break his heart, the way he had broken yours. When it came down to it though, and you got word that he'd gotten his heart broken only a week later, you still called him up. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay," you stated, shocked that your voice was so steady. "I am," he responded, his voice no so steady, "I missed you. I'm sorry." "You wanted to be with her," you reminded him, "And you got what you wanted." "I was an idiot," he quickly replied, hating that things already happened, to make this seem insincere, "I see that now. I was being horrible, and I should have known better. How are you still talking to me after what I did?" You almost did not know the answer to that yourself. "I don't really know. I probably should just hang up, but I care about you, despite it all, and I want to make sure you're okay. Push me away or not, I'm still going to be here for you." He smiled at your words, "I am okay. More so now than ever."

Zayn: Zayn sounded so confident in his choice to pick you over her. He convinced you that he had no second thought about it all. That was all a lie though. He missed her horribly. He did not want to lose you, but he hated losing her as well. Weeks later, after so long of holding it all together, he finally let that truth slip out. "I don't know how to word it right. I don't regret picking you, but I feel like I made a mistake letting her go." You took his words to mean there was a part of him that regretted picking you. He said he did not, but followed it with a but. That hurt you terribly. "So then go back to her?" "But I don't want to lose you. I want to be with her, and I want my best friend in my life." You thought that sounded fair, but knew she would not see things that way. "You know it won't work like that. It's either me or her, and I hate that. I hate that she's making you pick. If you regret what you decided, it's not to late to change your mind." Zayn hesitated for only a moment, before replying, "No, I don't want to change my mind. I miss her, but not enough to lose you."

Harry: Deciding for Harry did not work. What you told him to do, he did the opposite. You pushing him away, telling him to pick her, that only pulled him closer to you. You truly cared. You wanted him happy. He saw that, above everything else. How could he pick the girl who was forcing him to pick between the two most important people in his life, over the one willing to walk away, if that meant he was happy? "If you think I'd pick her, you are crazy," he told you, as he held you tight in a hug, "I love you [Y/N], and you're stuck with me." "But you love her too," you responded, wanting so badly to just hug him back and feel alright. You did not though. You felt like you were destroying things between him and the person he could possibly spend forever with. "I love her, yes," he nodded, as he dropped his arms from around you, "But if she loved me, she wouldn't do this. I have to accept that. And please don't think any of this is your fault, or it's on you to walk away. You should not have to, and I don't want you to."

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