#130 At DisneyWorld together

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Harry: "I have to say," you started, as you looked around the breathtaking dining room you were eating in, "I never thought I'd spend our anniversary eating inside of a castle. Actually until you surprised me this morning with our tickets to DisneyWorld, I thought you had forgotten all about today." ""It took a lot of planning to keep it a secret from you," he told you with a smile, before taking a bite of his food. You glanced around once more, and felt your heart flutter, "The fact that this is what you thought I'd want, makes me love you even more than before." Harry actually laughed slightly at that, "You've been dropping hints of wanting to come to Disney for a long time." "And I'm glad you noticed."

Niall: "You know it's just a girl in a costume," Niall told you, as you freaked out over seeing Belle, "It's not a real princess." You laughed, and rolled your eyes at his comments, "Of course. She was always my favorite though. I just feel so excited for 7 year old me. I would have been over there in line asking for an autograph and a picture." Niall smiled at you, as you tried to contain your excitement. You didn't expect to react this way, but it was a moment you had dreamed of so much when you were a little girl. "So Belle was your favorite?" You nodded, before grabbing Niall's hand, "Okay, the excitement of the moment is fading. Let's go ride the Pirate's of the Caribbean."

Zayn: "This is the longest line," you said, as you waited to go onto Space Mountain. It was the very first ride you went to, and you were too excited to wait for longer than 30 minutes. "It said it's over an hour and a half long. We should find something faster." Zayn shook his head, "No way, it'll just get longer. It's worth the wait." You really didn't want to stand there and waste time, but before you could reply, Zayn spoke again, "It's only 90 minutes. It'll go fast. We have to ride this [Y/N]. It's the most popular ride for a reason." You just sighed, too happy to argue, "After this though, I get to pick the rides for an entire hour." Zayn nodded happily, "Okay. What do you want to go on after this?"

Louis: Leaning into Louis' arms, as you watched the fireworks above the castle go off, you could not wipe off the huge smile you had on your face. Today had been the most magical day of your life. Spending the entire day at DisneyWorld was the best date you had ever been on, and you were so thankful to have been on it with Louis and no one else. "This was so much fun," you told him, your eyes never leaving the lights up in the sky as you did. "It was," Louis agreed, "We didn't ride all the rides though." Your smiled grew a little wider, as you replied back to him, "I guess that means we just have to come back."

Liam: "Wow!" Your eyes lit up as you took in the amazing view all around you. Your age did not take the magic out of the moment at all. Standing there, near Cinderella's castle, you felt like a kid again. Liam could see the pure excitement in your eyes, "Is it everything you thought it would be?" "This is incredible!" you exclaimed, throwing your arms around Liam to hug him tightly. This was not the trip he had wanted, but it was the one you'd asked for over and over again. And now that you were here, you were so glad he'd gone with your choice. "Thank you. I promise, this is a better trip to me than a tropical vacation to some private island could ever be."

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