#64 Your child goes to a 1D concert

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Liam: "Daddy always sings my favorite songs," your daughter told her best friend happily, as they stood at the side of the stage, waiting for the concert to begin. This was the first concert her friend had ever been to, and your daughter was so excited to share her excitement with her. "And Uncle Harry always makes faces at me, to make sure i know he knows I'm here." "Do you realize how insane this is?" her friend asked, her eyes wide as she looked around, "My best friend's dad is Liam Payne, and I'm seeing One Direction from front row seats." Your daughter laughed awkwardly at that, "Well I mean, you know my dad. He's not some famous person, he's my dad... And my uncles are just my uncles too!" "But it's still weird," her friend explained, glancing at you, "Don't you agree?" Even all these years later, you understood exactly what her friend meant, and nodded, "It still feels unreal to me at times, and this has been my life for a long time now."

Harry: Your son was still so young, barely a year, when you and Harry decided he was old enough to go to his first concert. He would never remember it, not even one tiny piece of it, but Harry was so happy to have his son there to see him doing what he loved the most regardless. "Look! You see Daddy," you told your son, though with the protective headphones blocking his ears from the noise, he could not even hear you. He just smiled happily, and looked around the stadium in awe. The bright colors. The people all around. He was overwhelmed, but not crying, which is what you had expected of him being here. He was so calm, and totally happy sitting there. And whenever Harry would see you there, sitting with your little boy in your lap, he could barely focus to sing. You two made him so happy. Singing on stage, with his family there supporting him, it was all he could have ever wished for. This was truly his dream come true.

Niall: "Can I stay home next time?" your daughter whispered to you, not excited to be at yet another concert. She had once loved to come to them, but her taste in music had changed, and she no longer enjoyed the type of music her father made. Your son, however, looked at her like she was crazy for saying that, "How can you say that?" He enjoyed every single concert, and would never grow tired of them. You could sense this would lead to a fight between them, and quickly cut in, "Just stop. If you don't enjoy this," You paused, and glanced at your daughter, who felt really bad about admitting that she was not enjoying the concerts in the same way that she once had. "Next time you can stay home." "Are you sure?" she asked, glad Niall was not here. She didn't want to hurt him at all. The music may not be her style, but she did enjoy supporting her dad. "Please don't tell Dad. Just next time say I'm sick or something. I don't want him to think I hate his music. I don't hate it, it's just not my style."

Louis: "She's in the crowd alone?" Louis questioned, worried about your little girl. She was not exactly a little girl anymore, she was a teenager now, and perfectly fine on her own, but he was panicking anyway. "Louis," you sighed, "She's with her friends, and they just wanted to see the concert normally. She's fine, I promise." Louis knew at her age he would have snuck out anyway, if his parents had told him he couldn't go alone, but he was so protective of his little girl. "I really don't like this." You laughed, already knowing how your husband felt, "I know, and that's why I didn't tell you this until now, when she's already out there having fun. She's fine Louis. It's your concert, and she's with her friends we know well." Louis thought of how many people were out there, and how all of them would recognize her, or many of them would at least, "And I guess she does have a million eyes on her, so she'll be safe." You laughed, "yeah, she can't get hurt with every eye on her." Louis still did not like this, but just nodded, "Yeah."

Zayn: "No, no, come back here," you told her son, as you grabbed onto his arm. He had just tried to run up onto stage after seeing Zayn, and you were now holding him back. "Just stay right here, and watch with me." "Daddy!" he screamed, trying to get Zayn's attention. This was not his first concert, but he did this every single time. He always wanted to be up there with Zayn, instead of sitting in the crowd with you. Zayn noticed the two of you right at that moment, and saw how your son was fighting to get out of your grip. "So everyone," Zayn said, as the song the boys had been singing ended, and before anyone else could begin to speak, "Tonight there is someone really special in the audience, who would love to come up here and tell you all hello. I hope no one minds..." As Zayn trailed off, you knew what to do, and the moment you let go of your son, he ran for the stage. Security helped him up onto it, and he was in Zayn's arms in a moment, "Say hello to everyone." When your son waved, the crowd went wild, and you loved the smile that covered his face when they did.

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