#5 You don't believe in love

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Liam: "You don't believe in love?" Liam was shocked to hear those words fall from your lips. You'd been together for a while now, and he'd just uttered those three important words to you, only to hear that you did not believe in those feelings as a response. "No," you shook your head, "I'd like to say I do, but I don't. It's just a false emotion that makes people act like someone else. It's not real." Liam could not find his words right away, so an awkward silence filled the room for a few moments. "So you're saying you'll never love me?" Your feelings were not meant to hurt Liam, and you hated that they was. "I'm sorry Liam. I just think love messes everything up. We're having so much fun together, why should we mess with that and add in a fake emotion?" Liam did not know how he felt about all of this, but he knew he was so happy with you. "I'm not sure how far this can go, or how far you would even want it to, but I do love you [Y/N], and I want us to figure this out, whatever it is, together."

Niall: Niall was the first person you could see yourself actually falling for. A part of your heart could not deny those strong feelings, and that scared you terribly. "I just don't think we can see each other anymore," you sadly said, as you held onto his hands tightly, not wanting to ever let go. "I care about you so much, and I just don't want either of us to end up hurt, and I know sooner or later that will happen if we keep going." Confusion was only one of the emotions that Niall felt in that moment. "But we're happy now. Why breakup over what could happen?" You knew your decision seemed out of the blue, but that didn't mean it was wrong. "Because we'll go towards love if we keep this going, and that can't happen. I refuse to fall in love. That never works, and it doesn't even really happen. Love isn't real." "Sometimes it does happen," Niall commented. You nodded, though you wondered how often it truly did. "Yes, but what's the point of risking our hearts to see if we are one of those rare few who get as close to love as possible or not?"

Harry: Harry did not believe it when you told him that you didn't believe in love. How could that be possible be true? It was such an amazing thing to fall into, and he couldn't understand how you didn't see that. How could you not even believe that it was real at all? "How is that possible?" "I have just seen it fall apart over and over again. Love doesn't last, because it's just not real. If it was, it would actually last." He did not waste one moment before replying back to you, "but it can be real. No it doesn't always last, but that does not make it fake." "If love is what they claim it is, it wouldn't just go away suddenly," you replied, hoping he would see your reasoning. He did not though, but did not argue his point again. All he knew, was he was going to everything to change your mind. "You'll change your mind one day. I'll show you that love does exist." You did not believe that one bit, and just shrugged your shoulders, and smiled softly. "Whatever you say Harry."

Louis: "I don't believe in it. I think it's something that people just claim is there. How can there be an emotion that strong, that never really last? It doesn't seem real to me," you explained to Louis, when he questioned you on your feelings about love. He knew you said you would never fall in love, but he didn't know that it was because you did not even believe in it. "So you don't think love is ever real? But you've seen it before. You know it does exist." "I don't think it really does. I think people care for each other a lot, at times. If it was love, how could it change? Listen to what people say about love. It's some magical emotion that changes the world. Only that doesn't happen. It changes nothing, but it doesn't exist." Louis hid the fact his heart was breaking, but it was hard to do as he heard the love of his life say she did not believe in love. "Do you think that you could ever change your mind?" You shook your head, "I really don't think so. I truly don't think it's real."

Zayn: "It never last. It hurts, and it crumbles so fast," you stated, while explaining to Zayn your feelings on love, "It ends up with everyone in pain, and everything ruined. No one ever stays happy forever, and I don't want to end up that hurt over an emotion that isn't real. Maybe it's lust or a deep caring for a person, but love, that doesn't really happen." Zayn strongly disagreed with you. "Yes, sometimes it doesn't last, and sometimes it hurts. That does not mean it is not real though. I love you [Y/N], and right now that's real. I can't guarantee this will last forever, but right now it is real." You wanted to believe that was true. That love was real, and that it was what you and Zayn had between you. Your mind was set though, and it was not something you could just change. "I want to hope that one day I'll realize love is real, and that we have that, or someone really does love me, but I just can't. I've seen it hurt so many, and that doesn't seem real to me."

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