#18 You have body self-esteem issues

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Harry: No matter how many times Harry told you how beautiful you were, or how much he complimented you, he could not change how you felt. "I'm just not skinny enough," you sighed, as you looked into the mirror wanting so badly to see a different body. "You are perfect just the way you are," Harry stated, using the same words he used all the time. Of course they were nice to hear, coming from the man you loved, they just didn't change things. "You just say that," you responded, a frown covering your face, "I just wish I could look like everyone else that's always around us. I'm always the biggest girl." "[Y/N]," Harry sighed, as he put his arms around you. He was well aware his words could never change how you felt, but that did not mean he would not say them, "You really are perfect exactly how you are. I know you don't see it, but you are."

Niall: The way society was, you were told your body was ideal. You were small, so small, and everywhere you looked that was the body they told you was normal to have. That did not however, stop you from feeling as if you were too small. You did everything to gain weight, and just couldn't. It made you feel horrible. "Why do you love me? I'm too skinny," you questioned, feeling so insecure with the body you had. Why couldn't you just gain a little weight? Then you would feel better. That's how you felt. "It's your body [Y/N], and it's perfect." "It's not. I'm too.." "Too nothing, stop, please." Niall hated to see you dragging yourself down. You saw so many flaws in yourself, and he only saw the amazing woman he loved. "I love you exactly how you are." His kind words did mean something to you, but did not erase your feelings. "I just want to gain a little weight." "And if you do, you'll still be beautiful, but you don't have to. You are amazing [Y/N], and I hope you can see that one day."

Louis: Louis himself was not the tallest guy around, but you still felt so short even next to him. You felt like a child. You hated everything about your height. "I just want to grow. Why am I stuck way down here. Like hello, I want to be able to reach everything." Louis felt horrible as you cut yourself down. Yes, you weren't that tall, and maybe your size was different than most. You were still so perfect to him though, and he would never want that to change. "I know it's hard to not want something you don't have," he stated slowly, going to say more, but you cut him off. "You want to be taller too. I see you on your tiptoes at times, trying to act like you're as tall as the other boys." Louis could not deny that, not even a little, "Sure, yeah, I want to be taller. I think we all want to change something. Taller, shorter, smaller, bigger. You are perfect though [Y/N], and I want you to know that." You smiled, and accepted what he said, but did not believe it at all.

Zayn: Zayn was always surrounded by girls who looked flawless. They had perfect skin, small bodies, and were just the right height. And then there was you. You felt so average next to them. So invisible, even if you were the one he told "I love you" to every night. "I'll never be as pretty as they are, and they does bother me. I could lose weight, I could put on the best outfit, have the best makeup, and I'd still not look like them." Zayn saw that as a good thing, and shrugged, "And so? I wouldn't want you to look like them. You're you [Y/N], and you shouldn't try to be anyone else." "Easy for you to say, you look like a model. You don't know what it's like to realize everyone else looks better than you." Zayn could have argued back that he did have insecurities too, but instead just hugged you, "I can't change how you feel, but you being you really is the best thing in the world."

Liam: There was a part of you that tried to ignore your feelings. That tried to push aside the way you never felt okay with yourself, even on nights when you tried so hard to just feel confident. That small part of you that tried though, it never got anywhere. You still felt horrible. You still felt horrible about every part of yourself, and wanted to change every little detail. "I just want to feel okay for once. It seems so simple. I want to wake up and think 'I look good today.' Just once. It won't happen though." After confessing your feelings to Liam, you felt tears rolling down your cheeks. Your insecurities really got to you, and brought you down so much, and there was nothing Liam could do. He knew that, as well as you. He could hug you, and  tell you he loved you, and tell you words of encouragement. He could never change things though. "I wish I could make it so you could see you the way I do." You hugged him tightly, "I wish I could see that too."

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