#119 Car trouble

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Niall:Niall was driving, and you were fast asleep in the passenger seat. It had been a long night, and you were both just ready to go home. You were only about a mile away, when you both suddenly heard a loud noise. "What was that?!" You asked, as you sat up straight, wide awake instantly. "I don't know," Niall replied, but only a second later he knew the answer. The car was suddenly lower on one side, and you could both hear the sound of the rim hitting the ground. "A flat," you sighed, closing your eyes in frustration, "We were almost home!" Niall quickly pulled off to the side of the road, "It's okay, it won't take long to change it. Just go back to sleep." You shook your head. There was no way you could go back to sleep now. Not until you knew the tire was changed, and everything was okay. "No, it's okay, I'll stay up." "Okay," Niall was turning off the car as he said that, "I hope we have a spare in this car." You didn't like the sound of that, "We better."

Louis: "Stop laughing Louis!" You yelled that at your boyfriend, who you were talking to over the phone. You had just told him that your car had died while you were only minutes away from home, and he instantly began to laugh. Your car had been giving you trouble for weeks, and he'd told you to get it looked at, but you had ignored his comments over and over again. "It's really not funny." "It is," Louis countered. For some reason, just the thought of how angry you must be, was funny to him. It was better for him to laugh about it, than to panic over you being stuck on the side of the road by yourself. "Whatever, you were right. Can you just come over here?" you asked, while trying to start your car once again, but it did nothing, "I'm going to call a tow truck, so can you come wait with me?" Finally done laughing, Louis replied, while grabbing his keys, "Yeah, I'll be right there."

Liam: "It's smoking," you said in a panic, as you and Liam pulled over to the side of the road. You had been driving down the street, on your way to a wedding of one of your family members, when the car started making strange noises, and now smoke was coming out of the hood. "I know," Liam answered, just as panicked as you. He had no idea what was going on, and just wanted to turn the car off. The second he did that, you both jumped out of the car, and he rushed to look under the hood. He didn't know what he was looking for though. "I think it's stopping," he stated, as the smoke seem to grow less and less, "We should call someone." You nodded, reaching for your phone, "Yeah, and we'll need to call for a car too. We can't wait for this to be fixed." Liam had forgotten all about where you were going until you said that, "Right, yeah, we can't miss the wedding. I can't believe this happened today." You shrugged, not sure what to do, "At least we're okay."

Harry: Since your car had broken, over a week ago, you'd been miserable. It seemed like just because you couldn't drive anywhere, and were stuck home, you had so much to do. Never before in your life had you felt so trapped. All you wanted was to get in your car and drive anywhere. You really regretted not getting the rental that you had been offered while you car was in the shop. Harry wasn't even in town to help you. He was still touring, and far, far away when you needed him. "Harry, I'm going crazy. When do you get home?" you asked him that, though you already knew the answer. He would be back in 2 weeks. By then you would have your car back anyway. "I'm sorry. You could call someone else and go do something." You laid down across your bed, "But I don't want to bug anyone. I know it's weird, but I feel annoying to call my friends for a ride." Harry just laughed. Any other time, and you would gladly call your friends, but when you really needed to, you didn't want to, "Okay [Y/N]. I hope you get your car back soon. I love you." "Love you too."

Zayn: Your car was brand new. You'd only bought it a week ago. So you never thought it would breakdown in the middle of a busy highway, while you and Zayn were driving around, wasting time before one of his concerts. "This is a joke," you said, honestly believing your new car that you were so happy about would never break so quickly, "What did you do?!" Zayn laughed at your question, "What do you think I could do to make your car just stop? And why would I?" You could not come up with anything rational, "I don't know, but it's new!" Zayn nodded, but shrugged, "Try starting it again." You tried, but that didn't work, "My car is dead." As you were upset over your car, Zayn remembered why you were driving around, "As bad as it already is, we have to be at the stadium in 20 minutes." Hearing that only made you panic, "Call someone! I don't know what to do! Don't we have to push it on the side of the road?!" Zayn was calm, even as you freaked out, "Yes, but it's okay. Just breath [Y/N]. We'll figure this out, and you're car will be fine. It's probably just a small issue." His calmness was really helping you, "Okay, well what do we do first?"

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