#88 You have acne and you're insecure

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Liam: It was something you had dealt with for so long. Acne really bothered you, and your face never seemed to truly get better. So when you read a few comments on twitter about your face and how bad it was, it was enough to truly hurt you. "Am I ugly?" Liam had no idea what you were asking him. "What?" "My face. Is the acne ugly?" "What are you talking about?" Liam pulled you into a tight hug, now understanding you were upset over what you thought of your face, "Of course not. It's just acne, we all get it." "Not according to Twitter. Apparently I'm some weird, ugly girl for getting it." Liam continued to hug you, as his heart ached over anyone telling you something to hurt you. "They just say things. They probably have acne too. Everyone does." You tried to listen to his words, but your mind was more focused on the ones you'd just read, "They don't see how you can love me with my face this way." Liam let you go, and then looked you directly in the eyes, "[Y/N], I love you, and I wouldn't want you to change at all. Your face is part of you, and we all get acne. Just ignore them, please. It's not worth your time."

Zayn: As you and Zayn walked down the road, with a few paparazzi snapping away at the two of you, you felt like you wanted to disappear. "My face is so bad today," you whispered to Zayn, as you tried to shield your face from the flashes of light. You could just picture your broken out face all on the internet. "You look fine [Y/N]," Zayn replied, annoying also at the cameras, but not because he thought either of you would look bad in the photos. "No my face is really bad," you replied, and it was only then that Zayn even noticed the acne on your face at all. He'd truly never seen it before, as much as he stared at you, until you pointed it out to him. "I didn't even notice it." You rolled your eyes, not believing him at all. It covered your whole face. You knew he had to see it. "It's horrible Zayn, and I don't want my picture taken today. Can we just please come back and shop another day? I just can't today." Zayn still did not think it was that bad, but he wouldn't make you feel uncomfortable  "Okay, we'll come back another time."

Harry: "You're beautiful [Y/N]," Harry said for a forth time, as you cried your eyes out over the pimples that covered your face. No matter what he said, it did not help with the insecurity you felt over your acne. "I don't feel it. I feel like all anyone sees when they look at me is my stupid face. I wish it was perfect, and never broke out." Harry pointed at his own face, which many pimples were currently covering, "No one has a perfect face." You looked up at him, and knew what he was saying was true. It was normal to break out. That did not really make you feel better though. "Normal or not people are cruel and will say things about it." Harry couldn't argue with that, he knew that was true. "You're right, they will. Who cares though? If someone says something mean, then they don't matter. Those dots on your face don't change how beautiful you are, I promise." You wrapped your arms around him in a tight hug, "I just wish they would all go away."

Louis: It was the day before your best friend's wedding. Everyone you knew would be there, and you were in tears over the state of your face. "Why does this have to happen now?!" You cried. Louis, sitting next to you, did not know what to say. Your face had been clear for a while now, and suddenly right before a huge day, it had broken out horribly. "I just don't want to go, but I have to. She would be mad, right?" Louis sighed, and put an arm around you, "Yeah, you have to be there [Y/N]. No one will notice though. All eyes will be on the couple at the alter." You knew that was partly true, but also knew eyes don't stay in one place, "Everyone will see it, and I feel so horrible." Louis kissed your cheek, and then spoke again, "It's not as bad as you think. You're still so beautiful. I promise, it's going to be okay." You took a deep breath, trying to stop your tears. He was being sweet, but it didn't help your insecurities. "I hate this so much."

Niall: "I am not leaving the house. I'm just not," you argued with Niall, as you tried to convince you to go with him to an event that night. It was one you'd promised to go to weeks ago, but you were refusing now. "Come on [Y/N], why won't you come with me?" You pointed at your face, and at the spots that were huge to you, though not that big to Niall. "My face is so broken out. I can't go looking like this." "You look fine," Niall responded, honestly not seeing what you saw. He tried to find them, but they were so small to him. You'd hid them well with makeup. "Just come on." You shook your head, so insecure over your face. You were almost in tears when you replied, "I just can't go. Please Niall, understand that." He didn't, but he could tell you were really bothered by this, so he gave in, "Fine, I'll go alone. I'll miss you though. I really do want you there." You glanced in the mirror, and cringed at the way your face looked. "I'll be okay to go next time, I hope."

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